
发表年度 论文题目 刊物名称
beta-Aminobutyric Acid Priming Acquisition and Defense Response of Mango Fruit to Colletotrichum gloeosporioides Infection Based on Quantitative Proteomics CELLS
Cross-Kingdom Small RNAs among Animals, Plants and Microbes CELLS
A Review of Biologically Active Natural Products from a Desert Plant Cistanche tubulosa CHEMICAL & PHARMACEUTICAL BULLETIN
Transition Metal Complexes of (E)-2((2-hydroxybenzylidene) amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid: XRD, Anticancer, Molecular modeling and Molecular Docking Studies CHEMISTRYSELECT
Schiff Bases of Tetrahydrocurcumin as Potential Anticancer Agents CHEMISTRYSELECT
Long-term As contamination alters soil enzyme functional stability in response to additional heat disturbance CHEMOSPHERE
Lithocarpinols A and B, a pair of diastereomeric antineoplastic tenellone derivatives from the deep-sea derived fungus Phomopsis lithocarpus FS508 CHINESE CHEMICAL LETTERS
Prenylated stilbenes and flavonoids from the leaves of Cajanus cajan CHINESE JOURNAL OF NATURAL MEDICINES
Cytotoxic Secondary Metabolites from an Endophytic Fungal Strain of Phomopsis phyllanthicola CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
Tree rings reveal hydroclimatic fingerprints of the Pacific Decadal Oscillation on the Tibetan Plateau CLIMATE DYNAMICS
Growing season and radial growth predicted for Fagus sylvatica under climate change CLIMATIC CHANGE
Do pioneer species enhance early performance of native species in subtropical shrublands? An examination involving six native species in South China COMMUNITY ECOLOGY
Genetic diversity and population structure of Garcinia paucinervis, an endangered species using microsatellite markers CONSERVATION GENETICS
Understanding the biosyntheses and stress response mechanisms of aroma compounds in tea (Camellia sinensis) to safely and effectively improve tea aroma CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION
Use of horticultural mineral oils to control potato virus Y (PVY) and other non-persistent aphid-vectored viruses CROP PROTECTION
Simulated and predicted responses of tree stem radial growth to climate change-A case study in semi-arid north central China DENDROCHRONOLOGIA
Comparison of the effects of canopy and understory nitrogen addition on xylem growth of two dominant species in a warm temperate forest, China DENDROCHRONOLOGIA
Recent advances in dendroclimatology in China EARTH-SCIENCE REVIEWS
Characteristics of time-transgressive Holocene Optimum in the East Asian monsoon region EARTH SCIENCES RESEARCH JOURNAL
Seasonal water use strategy of canopy tree species and possible implication for their coexistence in a subtropical secondary forest ECOHYDROLOGY
Forest beta-diversity analysis by remote sensing: How scale and sensors affect the Rao's Q index ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
Changes in plant functional traits and their relationships with environmental factors along an urban-rural gradient in Guangzhou, China ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
Effects of canopy and understory nitrogen addition on the structure and eco-exergy of a subtropical forest community ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
Are reproductive traits of dominant species associated with specific resource allocation strategies during forest succession in southern China? ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
Endangered but genetically stable-Erythrophleum fordii within Feng Shui woodlands in suburbanized villages ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
Changes in seasonal precipitation distribution but not annual amount affect litter decomposition in a secondary tropical forest ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
An alternative approach to reduce algorithm-derived biases in monitoring soil organic carbon changes ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
The use of DNA barcodes to estimate phylogenetic diversity in forest communities of southern China ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
Molecular identification of natural hybridization between Melastoma malabathricum and Melastoama beccarianum in Sarawak, Malaysia ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
Water salinity and inundation control soil carbon decomposition during salt marsh restoration: An incubation experiment ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION