
发表年度 论文题目 刊物名称
2020 Increasing soil carbon stocks in eight permanent forest plots in China BIOGEOSCIENCES
2020 Disturbance intensity overwhelms propagule pressure and litter resource in controlling the success of Pontoscolex corethrurus invasion in the tropics BIOLOGICAL INVASIONS
2020 Bryophytes impact the fluxes of soil non-carbon dioxide greenhouse gases in a subalpine coniferous forest BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS
2020 Shifts in fungal biomass and activities of hydrolase and oxidative enzymes explain different responses of litter decomposition to nitrogen addition BIOLOGY AND FERTILITY OF SOILS
2020 Antibacterial sesquiterpenes from the stems and roots of Thuja sutchuenensis BIOORGANIC CHEMISTRY
2020 The genetic basis of hybrid male sterility in sympatric Primulina species BMC EVOLUTIONARY BIOLOGY
2020 Transcriptome analysis provides insights into the non-methylated lignin synthesis in Paphiopedilum armeniacum seed BMC GENOMICS
2020 Identification of fruit size associated quantitative trait loci featuring SLAF based high-density linkage map of goji berry (Lyciumspp.) BMC PLANT BIOLOGY
2020 Comparative chloroplast genome analyses ofAvena: insights into evolutionary dynamics and phylogeny BMC PLANT BIOLOGY
2020 CRISPR/Cas9-mediated mutation of OsSWEET14 in rice cv. Zhonghua11 confers resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae without yield penalty BMC PLANT BIOLOGY
2020 Complete plastome sequencing resolves taxonomic relationships among species ofCalligonumL. (Polygonaceae) in China BMC PLANT BIOLOGY
2020 Transcriptomic and physiological analyses of rice seedlings under different nitrogen supplies provide insight into the regulation involved in axillary bud outgrowth BMC PLANT BIOLOGY
2020 Calibrating PhenoCam Data with Phenological Observations of a Black Spruce Stand CANADIAN JOURNAL OF REMOTE SENSING
2020 Structure and physicochemical properties of native starch and resistant starch in Chinese yam (Dioscorea opposita Thunb.) CARBOHYDRATE POLYMERS
2020 Functional traits explain seasonal variation effects of plant communities on soil erosion in semiarid grasslands in the Loess Plateau of China CATENA
2020 Dynamics of carbon, nitrogen, and phosphorus stocks and stoichiometry resulting from conversion of primary broadleaf forest to plantation and secondary forest in subtropical China CATENA
2020 Silencing Dicer-Like Genes Reduces Virulence and sRNA Generation in Penicillium italicum, the Cause of Citrus Blue Mold CELLS
2020 Medicinal chemistry of oxazines as promising agents in drug discovery CHEMICAL BIOLOGY & DRUG DESIGN
2020 High photosynthetic capacity and energy-use efficiency benefit both growth and chemical defense in invasive plants CHEMOECOLOGY
2020 A New Serratane Triterpenoid from Lycopodiella cernua CHINESE JOURNAL OF ORGANIC CHEMISTRY
2020 Upregulation of a marine fungal biosynthetic gene cluster by an endobacterial symbiont COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY
2020 Soil nitrogen concentration mediates the relationship between leguminous trees and neighbor diversity in tropical forests COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY
2020 New insight into the molecular mechanism of colour differentiation among floral segments in orchids COMMUNICATIONS BIOLOGY
2020 Characterization of 90 function-related SNP markers in the endangered hardwood tree Erythrophleum fordii CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES
2020 Understanding different regulatory mechanisms of proteinaceous and non-proteinaceous amino acid formation in tea (Camellia sinensis) provides new insights into the safe and effective alteration of tea flavor and function CRITICAL REVIEWS IN FOOD SCIENCE AND NUTRITION
2020 Molecular Mechanisms Determining the Differential Accumulation of Carotenoids in Plant Species and Varieties CRITICAL REVIEWS IN PLANT SCIENCES
2020 Variations in the timing of different phenological stages of cambial activity in Abies pindrow (Royle) along an elevation gradient in the north-western Himalaya DENDROCHRONOLOGIA
2020 Insulin/IGF signaling and TORC1 promote vitellogenesis via inducing juvenile hormone biosynthesis in the American cockroach DEVELOPMENT
2020 Synthesis and Cytotoxic Property of Annonaceous Acetogenin Glycoconjugates DRUG DESIGN DEVELOPMENT AND THERAPY
2020 Species-specific transpiration and water use patterns of two pioneer dominant tree species under manipulated rainfall in a low-subtropical secondary evergreen forest ECOHYDROLOGY