
发表年度 论文题目 刊物名称
2020 Phosteoid A, a highly oxygenated norsteroid from the deep-sea-derived fungus Phomopsis tersa FS441 TETRAHEDRON LETTERS
2020 Minimum spring temperatures at the provenance origin drive leaf phenology in sugar maple populations TREE PHYSIOLOGY
2020 Ecotypic differentiation of black spruce populations: temperature triggers bud burst but not bud set TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
2020 The role of plant hormones in tree-ring formation TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
2020 An efficient micropropagation protocol for Metasequoia glyptostroboides Hu et Cheng from shoot segments of 2-year-old trees TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
2020 Plant Trait Networks: Improved Resolution of the Dimensionality of Adaptation TRENDS IN ECOLOGY & EVOLUTION
2020 Chinese oolong tea: An aromatic beverage produced under multiple stresses TRENDS IN FOOD SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
2020 Transcriptional and Epigenetic Regulation of Autophagy in Plants TRENDS IN GENETICS
2020 Increasing effectiveness of urban rooftop farming through reflector-assisted double-layer hydroponic production URBAN FORESTRY & URBAN GREENING
2020 New insights into the evolution of host specificity of threePenicilliumspecies and the pathogenicity ofP. Italicuminvolving the infection of Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis) VIRULENCE
2020 Trend and Variance of Continental FreshWater Discharge over the Last Six Decades WATER
2020 Using Steel Slag for Dissolved Phosphorus Removal: Insights from a Designed Flow-Through Laboratory Experimental Structure WATER
2020 Accumulation of Heavy Metals and As in the FernBlechnum orientaleL. from Guangdong Province, Southern China WATER AIR AND SOIL POLLUTION
2020 The Effects of Winter Temperature and Land Use on Mangrove Avian Species Richness and Abundance on Leizhou Peninsula, China WETLANDS
2020 Towards a floristic inventory of Bat Xat Nature Reserve, Vietnam: Thirteen new national records of vascular plants WULFENIA
2020 Effect of nitrogen and phosphorus addition on litter decomposition and nutrients release in a tropical forest PLANT AND SOIL
2020 Histone tales: lysine methylation, a protagonist in Arabidopsis development JOURNAL OF EXPERIMENTAL BOTANY
2020 The responses of carbon- and nitrogen-acquiring enzymes to nitrogen and phosphorus additions in two plantations in southern China JOURNAL OF FORESTRY RESEARCH
2020 Growing-season temperature and precipitation are independent drivers of global variation in xylem hydraulic conductivity GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2020 Linking vein properties to leaf biomechanics across 58 woody species from a subtropical forest PLANT BIOLOGY
2020 Strobilanthes mcgregorii, a replacement name for S. medocris (Bremek.) YF Deng (Acanthaceae) PHYTOTAXA
2020 Detection of toxic methylenecyclopropylglycine and hypoglycin A in litchi aril of three Chinese cultivars FOOD CHEMISTRY
2020 Vaccinium napoense, a new species of V. sect. Conchophyllum (Ericaceae) from Guangxi, China NORDIC JOURNAL OF BOTANY
2020 Intra-annual stem size variations converge across marginal populations of European beech TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
2020 Exogenous plant growth regulators improved phytoextraction efficiency by Amaranths hypochondriacus L. in cadmium contaminated soil PLANT GROWTH REGULATION
2020 Growth and physiological alterations related to root-specific gene function of LrERF061-OE in Glycyrrhiza uralensis Fisch. hairy root clones under cadmium stress PLANT CELL TISSUE AND ORGAN CULTURE
2020 Abscisic acid positively regulates l-arabinose metabolism to inhibit seed germination through ABSCISIC ACID INSENSITIVE4-mediated transcriptional promotions of MUR4 in Arabidopsis thaliana NEW PHYTOLOGIST
2020 Trait-mediated filtering drives contrasting patterns of species richness and functional diversity across montane bird assemblages JOURNAL OF BIOGEOGRAPHY
2020 Negative growth responses to temperature of sympatric species converge under warming conditions on the southeastern Tibetan Plateau TREES-STRUCTURE AND FUNCTION
2020 Lignin Nanoparticles: Green Synthesis in a gamma-Valerolactone/Water Binary Solvent and Application to Enhance Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils ACS SUSTAINABLE CHEMISTRY & ENGINEERING