
发表年度 论文题目 刊物名称
2018 Effects of Age and Size on Xylem Phenology in Two Conifers of Northwestern China FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
2018 Reconsidering the phosphorus limitation of soil microbial activity in tropical forests FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY
2018 Using functional trait diversity patterns to disentangle the scale-dependent ecological processes in a subtropical forest FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY
2018 Host genotype strongly influences phyllosphere fungal communities associated with Mussaenda pubescens var. alba (Rubiaceae) FUNGAL ECOLOGY
2018 Assembly of a Complete Mitogenome of Chrysanthemum nankingense Using Oxford Nanopore Long Reads and the Diversity and Evolution of Asteraceae Mitogenomes GENES
2018 The Plant Circadian Clock and Chromatin Modifications GENES
2018 Protection from Disulfide Stress by Inhibition of Pap1 Nuclear Export in Schizosaccharomyces pombe GENETICS
2018 Responses of soil phosphorus availability to nitrogen addition in a legume and a non-legume plantation GEODERMA
2018 Soil pH predominantly controls the forms of organic phosphorus in topsoils under natural broadleaved forests along a 2500 km latitudinal gradient GEODERMA
2018 Solubility of phosphorus in subtropical forest soils as influenced by low-molecular organic acids and key soil properties GEODERMA
2018 Spring phenology at different altitudes is becoming more uniform under global warming in Europe GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2018 Dominant regions and drivers of the variability of the global land carbon sink across timescales GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2018 Effects of climate on soil phosphorus cycle and availability in natural terrestrial ecosystems GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2018 Joint structural and physiological control on the interannual variation in productivity in a temperate grassland: A data-model comparison GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2018 Carbon cycle confidence and uncertainty: Exploring variation among soil biogeochemical models GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2018 Contributions of insects and droughts to growth decline of trembling aspen mixed boreal forest of western Canada GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2018 Vegetation cover-another dominant factor in determining global water resources in forested regions GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2018 Seasonal drought may alter N availability but not water use efficiency of dominant trees in a subtropical forest GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION
2018 Studies on pollen morphology of selected species of Annonaceae from Thailand GRANA
2018 Bioengineered rice with low cadmium accumulation to reduce dietary intake IN VITRO CELLULAR & DEVELOPMENTAL BIOLOGY-PLANT
2018 Host-parasitoid relationships within figs of an invasive fig tree: a fig wasp community structured by gall size INSECT CONSERVATION AND DIVERSITY
2018 Transcriptome Survey Reveals Candidate Genes Involved in Lipid Metabolism of Carya illinoinensis INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF AGRICULTURE AND BIOLOGY
2018 The structure changes of water-soluble polysaccharides in papaya during ripening INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES
2018 Characterization and immunological activity of polysaccharides from Ixeris polycephala INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES
2018 Digestive behavior of Dendrobium huoshanense polysaccharides in the gastrointestinal tracts of mice INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOLOGICAL MACROMOLECULES
2018 Projections for the changes in growing season length of tree-ring formation on the Tibetan Plateau based on CMIP5 model simulations INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF BIOMETEOROLOGY
2018 Parameter optimization for carbon and water fluxes in two global land surface models based on surrogate modelling INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF CLIMATOLOGY
2018 Oral Bioaccessibility and Exposure Risk of Metal(loid)s in Local Residents Near a Mining-Impacted Area, Hunan, China INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF ENVIRONMENTAL RESEARCH AND PUBLIC HEALTH
2018 Comparison of structural, antioxidant and immuno-stimulating activities of polysaccharides from Tremella fuciformis in two different regions of China INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
2018 Treatment of type 2 diabetes mellitus via reversing insulin resistance and regulating lipid homeostasis in vitro and in vivo using cajanonic acid A INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MOLECULAR MEDICINE