
发表年度 论文题目 刊物名称
2018 Sodium dichloroisocyanurate delays ripening and senescence of banana fruit during storage CHEMISTRY CENTRAL JOURNAL
2018 Temperature enhances the affinity of soil alkaline phosphatase to Cd CHEMOSPHERE
2018 Characterization of the whole chloroplast genome of a rare and endangered species Aconitum reclinatum (Ranunculaceae) in the United States CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES
2018 Profilin Negatively Regulates Formin-Mediated Actin Assembly to Modulate PAMP-Triggered Plant Immunity CURRENT BIOLOGY
2018 Fecal Bacteriome and Mycobiome in Bats with Diverse Diets in South China CURRENT MICROBIOLOGY
2018 Forest tree neighborhoods are structured more by negative conspecific density dependence than by interactions among closely related species ECOGRAPHY
2018 The tree height-related spatial variances of tree sap flux density and its scale-up to stand transpiration in a subtropical evergreen broadleaf forest ECOHYDROLOGY
2018 Stand-scale transpiration of a Eucalyptus urophyllaxEucalyptus grandis plantation and its potential hydrological implication ECOHYDROLOGY
2018 Eco-exergy based self-organization of the macrobenthic faunal assemblage during mangrove succession in Zhanjiang, China ECOLOGICAL INDICATORS
2018 Effect of exotic cordgrass Spartina alterniflora on the eco-exergy based thermodynamic health of the macrobenthic faunal community in mangrove wetlands ECOLOGICAL MODELLING
2018 Differences in macrobenthic faunal communities in mangrove wetland habitats (Zhanjiang, China) invaded and non-invaded by exotic cordgrass Spartina alterniflora ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH
2018 Changes in the functional feeding groups of macrobenthic fauna during mangrove forest succession in Zhanjiang, China ECOLOGICAL RESEARCH
2018 Stoichiometry controls asymbiotic nitrogen fixation and its response to nitrogen inputs in a nitrogen-saturated forest ECOLOGY
2018 DNA barcoding the flowering plants from the tropical coral islands of Xisha (China) ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
2018 Biodiversity explains maximum variation in productivity under experimental warming, nitrogen addition, and grazing in mountain grasslands ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
2018 Low ecological representation in the protected area network of China ECOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
2018 Changes in the benthic protozoan community during succession of a mangrove ecosystem in Zhanjiang, China ECOSPHERE
2018 Effects of labile carbon and phosphorus addition on N transformations with N- vs. non-N-fixing tree plantations ECOSPHERE
2018 Initial Soil Organic Matter Content Influences the Storage and Turnover of Litter, Root and Soil Carbon in Grasslands ECOSYSTEMS
2018 Responses of Tree Transpiration and Growth to Seasonal Rainfall Redistribution in a Subtropical Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forest ECOSYSTEMS
2018 Soil mineral alters the effect of Cd on the alkaline phosphatase activity ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY
2018 Alterations in leaf nitrogen metabolism indicated the structural changes of subtropical forest by canopy addition of nitrogen ECOTOXICOLOGY AND ENVIRONMENTAL SAFETY
2018 Plant diversity maintains multiple soil functions in future environments ELIFE
2018 The ecological genetics of Pseudomonas syringae from kiwifruit leaves ENVIRONMENTAL MICROBIOLOGY
2018 An increase in precipitation exacerbates negative effects of nitrogen deposition on soil cations and soil microbial communities in a temperate forest ENVIRONMENTAL POLLUTION
2018 Dietary strategies to reduce the oral bioaccessibility of cadmium and arsenic in rice ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
2018 The sap flow-based assessment of atmospheric trace gas uptake by three forest types in subtropical China on different timescales ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE AND POLLUTION RESEARCH
2018 Biotoxin Tropolone Contamination Associated with Nationwide Occurrence of Pathogen Burkholderia plantarii in Agricultural Environments in China ENVIRONMENTAL SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY
2018 Phytoextraction of 55-year-old wastewater-irrigated soil in a Zn-Pb mine district: effect of plant species and chelators ENVIRONMENTAL TECHNOLOGY
2018 Genetic analysis of fruit traits and selection of superior clonal lines in Akebia trifoliate (Lardizabalaceae) EUPHYTICA