1.Yuan S, Zeng G, Zhang K, Wu M, Zhang D, Harder LD, Barrett SCH. 2023. Diverse mating consequences of the evolutionary breakdown of the sexual polymorphism heterostyly. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 120(2), e2214492120.
2. Yuan S, Shi Y, Zhou B, Liang Y, Chen X, An , Fan Y, Shen Z, Ingvarsson PK, Wang B. 2023. Genomic vulnerability to climate change in Quercus acutissima, a dominant tree species in East Asian deciduous forests. Molecular Ecology, 32, 1639– 1655.
3. Zeng G, Barrett SCH, Yuan S*, Zhang D. 2023. Evolutionary breakdown of distyly to homostyly is accompanied by reductions of floral scent in Primula oreodoxa. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 61, 518–529.
4. Zhou B, Yuan S#, Crowl AA#, Liang Y, Shi Y, Chen X, An Q, Kang M, Manos PS, Wang B. 2022. Phylogenomic analyses highlight innovation and introgression in the continental radiations of Fagaceae across the Northern Hemisphere. Nature Communications,13, 1320.
5. Yuan S, Barrett SCH, Li C, Li X, Xie K, Zhang D. 2019. Genetics of distyly and homostyly in a self-compatible Primula. Heredity, 122, 110–119.
6. Yuan S, Zhang D, Hao G. 2018. Primula chimingiana (Primulaceae), a new species from Sichuan, China. Nordic Journal of Botany, e01390.
7. Yuan S, Zeng G, Zhang D. 2018. Development of microsatellite markers for Primula oreodoxa (Primulaceae), a distylous-homostylous species. Applications in Plant Science, 6(5), e1150
8. Yuan S, Barrett SCH, Duan T, Qian X, Shi M, Zhang D. 2017. Ecological correlates and genetic consequences of evolutionary transitions from distyly to homostyly. Annals of Botany, 120,775–789.
9. Yuan S, Zeng G, Shi M, Zhang D. 2017. Development of genetic SSR markers from transcriptome sequencing of Primula ovalifolia. Applications in Plant Science, 5(12), 1700100
10. Yuan S, Chen S, Deng X, Duan T, Luo Z, Zhang D. 2017. P/O ratios are strongly correlated with floral reciprocity in addition to sexual system in Mussaenda (Rubiaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany, 35, 395–403.
11. Zhao Z, Zhang Y, Shi M, Liu Z, Xu Y, Luo Z, Yuan S, Tu T, Sun Z, Zhang D, Barrett SCH. 2023. Genomic evidence supports the genetic convergence of a supergene controlling the distylous floral syndrome. New Phytologist, 237(2), 601-614.
12. Liang Y, Shi Y, Yuan S, Zhou B, Chen X, An Q, Ingvarsson PK, Plomion C, Wang B. 2022. Linked selection shapes the landscape of genomic variation in three oak species. New Phytologist, 233, 555-568.
13. Zhou B, Shi Y, Chen X, Yuan S, Liang Y, Wang B. 2022. Linked selection, ancient polymorphism, and ecological adaptation shape the genomic landscape of divergence in Quercus dentata. Journal of Systematics and Evolution, 60, 1344-1357.
14. Zhao Z, Luo Z, Yuan S, Mei L, Zhang D. 2019. Global transcriptome and gene co-expression network analyses on the development of distyly in Primula oreodoxa. Heredity, 123, 784-794.
15. Zhang K, Yuan S, Pan B, Zeng G, Li X, Zhang D. 2019. Jasminum honghoense sp. nov. (Oleaceae), from the dry-hot Yuanjiang valley in Yunnan, China. Nordic Journal of Botany, e02265.
16. Luo S, Zhang L, Yuan S, Ma Z, Zhang D, Renner S. 2018. The largest early-diverging angiosperm family is mostly pollinated by ovipositing insects and so are most surviving lineages of early angiosperms. Proceedings of the Royal Society B, 285(1870), 20172365.
17. Luo Z, Duan T, Yuan S, Chen S, Bai X, Zhang D. 2015. Reproductive isolation between sympatric sister species, Mussaenda kwangtungensis and M. pubescens var. alba. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 57(10), 859-70.
18. Xuan Y, Yuan S, Hu C, Hao G. 2014. Primula dejuniana(Primulaceae), a New Species from Sichuan, China. Annales Botanici Fennici, 51(6), 372-374