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1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金项目42207158,亚热带常绿阔叶林叶际微生物网络和功能对气候变暖的响应,2023202530万元,主持

2. 中国博士后科学基金面上资助,2021M703260,增温对南亚热带常绿阔叶林叶际微生物群落及功能的影响,202120238万元,主持


1. ZHOU S-Y-D, LIE Z, LIU X, et al. Distinct patterns of soil bacterial and fungal community assemblages in subtropical forest ecosystems under warming [J]. Global Change Biology 2023. 29: 1501-1513.

2. ZHOU S-Y-D, LIN C, YANG K, et al. Discarded masks as hotspots of antibiotic resistance genes during COVID-19 pandemic [J]. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021. 127774.

3. ZHOU S-Y-D, ZHANG Q, NEILSON R, et al. Vertical distribution of antibiotic resistance genes in an urban green facade [J]. Environment International 2021. 152: 106502. 

4. ZHOU S-Y-D, ZHU D, GILES M, et al. Does reduced usage of antibiotics in livestock production mitigate the spread of antibiotic resistance in soil, earthworm guts, and the phyllosphere? [J]. Environment International 2020. 136: 7.

5. ZHOU S-Y-D, ZHU D, GILES M, et al. Phyllosphere of staple crops under pig manure fertilization, a reservoir of antibiotic resistance genes [J]. Environmental Pollution 2019. 252: 227-235.

6. ZHOU S-Y-D, HUANG F-Y, ZHOU X-Y, et al. Conurbation size drives antibiotic resistance along the river [J]. Science of the Total Environment 2022. 823: 153822. 

7. ZHOU S-Y-D, LI H, GILES M, et al. Microbial flow within an Air-Phyllosphere-Soil continuum [J]. Frontiers in Microbiology 2021. 11.

8. ZHOU S-Y-D, WEI M-Y, GILES M, et al. Prevalence of Antibiotic Resistome in Ready-to-Eat Salad [J]. Frontiers in public health 2020a. 8: 92.

9. LI H1, ZHOU S-Y-D1, NEILSON R, et al. Skin microbiota interact with microbes on office surfaces [J]. Environment International 2022. 168: 107493.

10. LI G X1, ZHOU S-Y-D1 REN H Y, et al. Extracellular Biomineralization of Gold by Delftia tsuruhatensis GX-3 Isolated from a Heavy Metal Contaminated Paddy Soil [J]. Acs Earth and Space Chemistry 2018. 2: 1294-1300.

11. Huang, F.-Y., Chen, Q.-L., Zhang, X., Neilson, R., Su, J.-Q., Zhou, S.-Y.-D*., 2021. Dynamics of antibiotic resistance and its association with bacterial community in a drinking water treatment plant and the residential area. Environmental Science and Pollution Research.

12. Huang, F.-Y., Zhao, Y., Neilson, R., Zhou, X.-Y., Li, H., Ding, L., Zhou, S.-Y.-D*., Su, J.-Q., 2023. Antibiotic resistome in groundwater and its association with mountain springs and river. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 252, 114603.

13. 周曙仡聃 , 朱永官 , 黄福义 . 微塑料对海水抗生素抗性基因的影响 [J]. 环境科学2021.0250-3301.

14. 黄福义, 周曙仡聃*(通讯), 苏建强, 朱永官. 荒漠绿洲土壤抗生素抗性基因分布特征及驱动机制 [J]. 环境科学: 1-12.

15. Zhu, Y.G., Xiong, C., Wei, Z., Chen, Q.L., Ma, B., Zhou, S.Y.D., Tan, J.Q., Zhang, L.M., Cui, H.L., Duan, G.L., 2022. Impacts of global change on the phyllosphere microbiome. New Phytologist 234, 1977-1986.

16. Lie Z., Huang W., Zhou G., Zhang D., Yan J., Jiang J., Neilson R., Zhou S., Zhang W., Aguila L.C.R., Chu G., Liu S., Meng Z., Zhang Q., Liu J. Acidity of soil and water decreases in acid-sensitive forests of tropical China. Environmental Science & Technology (Accepted)