
岗  位: 陈焕镛副研究员
邮政编码: 510650
学  历: 博士
邮箱地址: nieyanx@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号


2022-11至今 中国科学园华南植物园  陈焕镛副研究员

2016-22022-10 中国科学园华南植物园  助理研究员


2012-102015-09, 北海道大学, 农学博士

2009-092012-07, 中科院沈阳生态研究所, 理学硕士

2005-092009-07, 临沂大学, 理学学士




1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:氮沉降增加促进亚热带森林土壤N2O排放的微生物学机制,20171-201912月,24万,主持

2. 国家自然科学基金面上基金:氮添加和降水变化背景下菌根真菌在亚热带森林土壤氮转化中的作用及调控机制,20211-202412月,69.6万,主持


1) Nie Yanxia#, Wang Mengcen#, Zhang Wei, Ni Zhuang, HashidokoYasuyuki, Shen Weijun*. Ammonium nitrogen content is a dominant predictor of bacterial community composition in an acidic forest soil with exogenous nitrogen enrichment. Science of the total environment. 2018, 624: 407-415. (IF5-year =10.237)

2Nie Yanxia, Han Xiaoge, Chen Jie, Wang Mengcen, Shen Weijun*. The simulated N deposition accelerates net N mineralization and nitrification in a tropical forest soil, Biogeosciences, 2019, 16(21): 4277-4291. (IF5-year=5.157)

3Nie Yanxia*, Lau SYL, Tan Xiangping, Lu Xiankai, Liu Suping, Tahvanainen Teemu, Isoda Reika, Ye Qing, Hashidoko Yasuyuki. Sphagnum capillifolium holobiont from a subarctic palsa bog aggravates the potential of nitrous oxide emissions. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022, 13: 974251. (IF5-year =7.255)

4Nie Yanxia, Li Li, Isoda Reika, Wang Mengcen, Hatano Ryusuke, Hashidoko Yasuyuki*. Physiological and genotypic characteristic of nitrous oxide (N2O)-emitting Pseudomonas Species isolated from dent corn andisol farmland in Hokkaido, Japan, Microbes and Environments. 2016, 31(2): 93–103. (IF5-year = 3.185)

5Nie Yanxia , Li Li, Wang Mengcen, Tahvanainen Teemu, Hashidoko Yasuyuki*. Nitrous oxide emission potentials of Burkholderia species isolated from the leaves of a boreal peat moss Sphagnum fuscum. 2015, 1072954. (IF5-year = 2.302)

6Hu Ang #, Nie Yanxia #, Yu Guirui , Han Conghai, He Jinhong, He Nianpeng, Liu Shirong,  Deng Jie, Shen Weijun, Zhang Gengxin*. Diurnal temperature variation and plants drive latitudinal patterns in seasonal dynamics of soil microbial community. Frontiers in Microbiology. 2019, 10:674. (共同第一作者, IF5-year= 6.843)