研究方向为滨海湿地碳循环。滨海蓝碳是缓解气候变暖的有效蓝色碳汇之一,在全球碳循环中发挥着重要作用。滨海蓝碳来源于内源植物、陆源和海源的贡献。其中,海源碳(藻源碳)是滨海蓝碳重要的外源碳,也是调控蓝碳矿化的关键因素。在全球气候变化背景下,理解滨海湿地藻源碳特征及其生态效应,对精准建立滨海湿地生态系统碳源汇计量与核算体系至关重要。申请人聚焦海岸带藻源碳及其生态效应,通过阐述滨海湿地土壤不同来源碳的贡献,甄别藻源有机碳的分子特性,深入解析了藻源碳调控海岸带碳循环的微生物过程及机制。先后主持承担了国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,国家重点研发计划专题2项,中国博士后科学基金面上项目1项,广东省自然科学基金3项(青年提升项目1项,面上项目1项,青年基金1项)。有关研究成果已发表学术论文20篇,包括近五年第一作者SCI论文7篇,相关领域Top5%论文5篇(如Water Research, 2022;2024; Global Change Biology, 2024; Functional Ecology, 2023等),Nature Index期刊2篇。
[1] 滨海湿地生态系统近自然修复关键技术研发及应用,国家重点研发计划子课题,2023-2027,在研,主持
[2] 近海蓝碳生态系统的碳汇潜力与多功能协同增汇途径,国家重点研发计划子课题,2024-2027,在研,主持
[3] 赤潮藻源碳对盐沼湿地土壤中植物残体矿化的影响及微生物机制,国家自然科学基金青年科学基金,2024-2026,在研,主持
[4] 磷浓度变化下拟柱孢藻与疣微菌的相互关系及调控机制研究,广东省自然科学基金青年提升项目,2024-2026,在研,主持
[5] 南亚热带地区水华优势种拟柱孢藻内环境碳氮稳态的维持机制:胞外毒素的生理学功能,广东省自然科学基金面上项目,2023-2025,在研,主持
[6] 拟柱孢藻毒素调控浮游生物分泌碱性磷酸酶的化感效应和作用机制研究,广东省基础与应用基础基金-青年基金项目,2020-2023,结题,主持
[7] 热带水库拟柱孢藻氮储备-再分配响应氮素波动的特征和机制,博士后面上基金,2020-2021,结题,主持
[8] Cylindrospermopsin对浮游生物群落组成及菌源性碱性磷酸酶活性的影响,中科院藻类生物学重点实验开放课题,2022.1-2022.12,结题,主持
[9] 红树林恢复过程中微生物介导的土壤碳汇功能及其稳定性变化研究,中科院恢复生态重点实验室开放课题,2022-2024,在研,主持
[10] 湿地生态系统碳汇精准核算,中国科学院青年人才团队,2022-2026,课题骨干
[11] “一带一路”国家滨海湿地“蓝碳”碳汇功能及“碳中和”潜力研究,中科院ANSO一带一路专项,2022-2025,项目骨干
(1)学术兼职:Biological Diversity青年编委;
(2)期刊审稿人:多次担任国内外知名生态学、土壤学期刊审稿人:Global Change Biology, Water Research, Functional Ecology, Soil Ecology Letters, Ecological Process, 湖泊科学等;
[1] Zhou, J., Gan, S., He, H., Zhang, L., Lu, Z., Zhang, J., Qin, G., Huang X., Wang, F*. 2025. Balancing methane emission and alkalinity conservation: Insights from mineral amendments in coastal sediments. Science of The Total Environment, 958, 178128.
[1] Lu Z, Guoming Qin, Shuchai Gan, Hongbin Liu, Peter I. Macreadie, Wee Cheah, Faming Wang*. 2024, Blue carbon sink capacity of mangroves determined by leaves and their associated microbiome, Global Change Biology, 30:e17007.
[2] Lu Z.*, Q. Cai, S. Lai, N. Chen, L. Huang, Y. Liu, L. Lei,* S. Gan, L. Zhang, H. W. Paerl, and Faming Wang*. 2024. Coupling of cylindrospermopsin and pho-harboring Verrucomicrobia supports the formation of Raphidiopsis blooms in low-phosphorus waters. Water Research, 250:121010.
[3] Qin, Guoming, Lu, Z., Gan, S., Zhang, L., Wu, J., Sanders, C., He, Z., Yu, X., Zhang, J., Zhou, J., Ding, R., Huang, X., Chen, H., He, H., Yu, M., Li, H., Wang, F. Fiddler crab bioturbation stimulates methane emissions in mangroves: Insights into microbial mechanisms. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 194: 109445
[4] Qin, Guoming, Lu, Z., Gan, S., Zhang, L., Zhou, J., Ding, R., Huang, X., Chen, H, He, H., Yu, M., Li, H., Lovelock, C., Wang F.*, Fate of soil organic carbon in estuarine mangroves: Evidences from stable isotopes and lignin biomarkers, Catena, 246, 108401.
[5] Zhang J#, Mao D#, Liu J#, Chen Y, Kirwan M, Sanders C, Zhou J, Lu Z, Qin G, Huang X, Li, H. Yan, N. Jiao*, J. Su*, and Faming Wang*. 2024, Spartina alterniflora invasion benefits blue carbon sequestration in China. Science Bulletin, doi: 10.1016/j.scib.2024.04.049
[6] Zhou, J., J. Zhang, Y. Chen, G. Qin, B. Cui, Lu Z., J. Wu, X. Huang, P. Thapa, H. Li, and Faming Wang*. 2024. Blue carbon gain by plant invasion in saltmarsh overcompensated carbon loss by land reclamation. Carbon Research, 2:39.
[7] Qin, G., He, W., Sanders, C. J., Zhang, J., Zhou, J., Wu, J., Lu Z., Yu, M., Li, Y., Li, Y., Lambers, H., Li, Z., & Wang, F. 2024. Contributions of plant- and microbial-derived residuals to mangrove soil carbon stocks: Implications for blue carbon sequestration. Functional Ecology, 00, 1–13.
[8] Zhou, J., Zhang, L., Zhang, J., Gan, S., Lu, Z., Qin, G., Huang X., Chen, H., He, H., Li, Y., Li, Y., Li, H., Wang F.*, 2025, Blue carbon storage of tidal flats and salt marshes: A comparative assessment in two Chinese coastal areas, Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology, 655, 112509.
[9] Huang, X., Guan, F., Zhong, Y., Ni, Y., Ding, R., Qin, G., Zhou, J., Zhang, J., Chen, H., He, H., Li, Y., Li, Y., Lu, Z., Gan, S., Zhang, L., Wang, F., 2024. Responses of depth-dependence of C: N: P stoichiometry to check dam in mangrove wetlands. Journal of Environmental Management, 371, 123341.
[10] Xu, B., Zhang, Q., Lu, Z., Li, Y., Zuo, Y., Gan, N., Zhan J., Song, L.*. 2024. Production of eicosapentaenoic acid by Vacuoliviride crystalliferum under 20% CO2 conditions. Bioresource Technology, 410, 131307.
[1] Lu Z., Li H., Sayer E.J., Liu Z.F., Li L.H., Chen Y., Qin G., Li J.T., Zhou J.G., Huang X.Y., Zhang J.F., Wu J.T., Thapa P., Wang F.M.*, 2023, Enhanced abundance of generalist and litter saprotrophs explain increased tropical forest soil carbon with long-term nitrogen deposition, Functional Ecology, 37, 2282–2296.
[2] Li H., Chen Y., Lu Z., Wang F.M.*, Lambers H., Zhang J.F., Qin G.M., Zhou J.G., Wu J.T., Zhang L.L., Thapa P., Lu X.K., Mo J.M., 2023, Nitrogen deposition in low-phosphorus tropical forests benefits soil C sequestration but not stabilization, Ecological Indicators, 146, 109761
[3] 覃国铭, 张靖凡, 周金戈, 卢哲, 王法明*. 2023. 广东省红树林土壤碳储量及固碳潜力研究, 热带地理, 1–8
[1] Lu Z., Ye J.M., Chen Z.J., Xiao L.J., Lei L.L.*, Han B-P., Hans W. 2022. Cyanophycin accumulated under nitrogen-fluctuating and high-nitrogen conditions facilitates the persistent dominance and blooms of Raphidiopsis raciborskii in tropical waters. Water Research, 214, 118215
[2] 周金戈, 覃国铭, 张靖凡, 卢哲, 吴靖滔, 毛鹏, 张璐璐, 王法明*. 2022. 中国盐沼湿地蓝碳碳汇研究进展, 热带亚热带植物学报, 30(6), 765–781
[1] Lu Z., Lei L.L.*, Lu Y., Peng L., Han B-P. 2021. Phosphorus deficiency stimulates dominance of Cylindrospermopsis through facilitating cylindrospermopsin-induced alkaline phosphatase secretion: Integrating field and laboratory-based evidences. Environmental Pollution, 299, 117946:
[2] Zhang J., Chen Y., Huo Y., Guo, Jia; Wan L., Lu Z., Wu Q., Jeppesen E., Han B., Ren L.2021. Eutrophication increases deterministic processes and heterogeneity of co-occurrence networks of bacterioplankton metacommunity assembly at a regional scale in tropical coastal reservoirs. Water Research, 202, 117460
[1] Lu Z., Dai J.C., Zheng L.L., Teng Z.R., Zhang Q., Qiu D.R., Song L.R.* 2020. Disodium 2-oxoglutarate promotes carbon flux into astaxanthin and fatty acid biosynthesis pathways in Haematococcus. Bioresource Technology, 299, 122612
[2] Lu Z., Zheng L.L., Liu J., Dai J.C., Song L.R.* 2019. A novel fed-batch strategy to boost cyst cells production based on the understanding of intracellular carbon and nitrogen metabolism in Haematococcus pluvialis. Bioresource Technology, 289, 121744
[3] Cui, H., Yang, Z., Lu, Z., Wang, Q., Liu, J., Song, L.*. 2019. Combination of utilization of CO2 from flue gas of biomass power plant and medium recycling to enhance cost-effective Spirulina production. Journal of Applied Phycology, 31(4), 2175-2185
[4] Zheng L.L.1, Lu Z.1, Zhang Q., Li T.L., Song L.R.* 2018, A fluorescence ratio-based method to determine microalgal viability and its application to rapid optimization of cryopreservation, Cryobiology, 81, 27–33 (共同一作)
宋立荣, 卢哲, 崔慧君, 卫晴, 霍岩, 杨子寒. 一种应用于评估微藻二氧化碳耐受力的方法及装置. ZL 201611217290.0(授权)
宋立荣, 卢哲, 郑凌凌, 李林, 李天丽. 一种应用于雨生红球藻高效扩繁的连续梯度补料方法及装置. ZL 201910424874 (授权)
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