
岗  位: 副研究员
邮政编码: 510650
学  历: 博士
邮箱地址: yizhang@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号


2010.09-2014.08 德国维尔茨堡大学,植物分子生物学专业, 博士

2007.09-2010.07 北京师范大学,生物化学与分子生物学,硕士

2003.09-2007.07 山东农业大学,生物技术,学士


2025.01-至今    中国科学院华南植物园,副研究员

2020.09-2024.12 中国科学院华南植物园,陈焕镛副研究员

2017.08-2020.05 美国内布拉斯加大学林肯分校,植物病理学院,博士后

2015.06-2017.08 美国凯斯西储大学,医学院,博士后

1. 蛋白质泛素化及SUMO化修饰研究;
2. 甘薯与病毒的相互作用研究;
3. 病毒载体开发利用。

1) 国家自然科学基金-面上项目,K63多聚泛素化在植物与双生病毒相互作用中的功能研究,执行年限:2022.01-2025.12,主持
2) 广东省自然科学基金-面上项目,E3泛素连接酶AIP1调控植物抵御双生病毒的分子机理研究,执行年限:2022.01-2024.12,主持
3) 广州市科技计划项目-子课题,甘薯与甜叶菊抗病抗逆基因挖掘与品种选育,执行年限:2023.04-2028.03,参与
4) 北京生命科学研究院有限公司(重点实验室)开放基金课题,植物病毒基因表达增强元件在合成生物学中的应用,执行年限:2024.09-2026.08,参与





1.      Yang Heng#, Zhang Yi#, Lyu Shanwu, Mao Yaping, Yu Fangqin,Liu Sai, Fang Yujie, Deng Shulin*.Arabidopsis CIRP1 E3 ligase modulates drought and oxidative stress tolerance and reactive oxygen species homeostasis by directly degrading catalases. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology 2025

2.         Zhang Yi#, Xian Yibo#, Yang Heng, Yang Xuangang, Yu Tianli, Liu Sai, Liang Minting, Jiang Xianzhi and Deng Shulin*. A novel geminivirus‐derived 3′ flanking sequence of terminator mediates the gene expression enhancement. Plant biotechnology journal 2024.

3.         Zhang Yi, Yang Heng, Liu Yujuan, Hou Qiongzhao, Jian Shuguang and Deng Shulin*. Molecular cloning and characterization of a salt overly sensitive3 (SOS3) gene from the halophyte Pongamia. Plant molecular biology 2024 114(57).

4.         Zhang Yi#, Yang Xuangang#, Huang Lifei and Deng Shulin*. A highly efficient Agrobacterium-mediated infectious system for Sweet potato leaf curl virus and a deltasatellite-based VIGS vector. Phytopathology Research 2024 6(23).

5.         Yang Heng#, Zhang Yi#, Lyu Shanwu, Liu Yujuan, Jian Shuguang and Deng Shulin*. MpNAC1, a transcription factor from the mangrove associate Millettia pinnata, confers salt and drought stress tolerance in transgenic Arabidopsis and rice. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2024 211: 108721.

6.         Lyu Shanwu, Fang Yujie,Zhang Yi, Liu Zhanfeng and Deng Shulin. Nickel Phytoremediation Potential of Plantago major L.: Transcriptome Analysis. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2024: 106020.

7.         Lyu Shanwu, Mao Yaping, Zhang Yi, Yu Tianli, Yang Xuangang, Zhu Hongbo and Deng Shulin*. Genome-wide identification of sweet potato U-Box E3 ubiquitin ligases and roles of IbPUB52 in negative regulation of drought stress. Physiol Plantarum 2024 176(5): e14568.

8.         Liu Sai, Lyu Shanwu, Yang Zhidong, Xu Guoyun, Zhang Yi, Liu Yujuan, Jin Jingjing and Deng Shulin*. Genome-wide characterization of tobacco B-BOX gene family identified two close members play contrast roles under cold stress. Environmental and Experimental Botany 2023 216.

9.         Wang Chaofeng#, Zhang Yi#, Zhou Bangjun, Verma Pooja, Hamera Sadia and Zeng Lirong*. Modifications of Two ESCRT-I Subunits with Distinct Ubiquitin Chains Regulate Plant Immunity.bioRxiv 2023: 2023.2008.2010.552820.

10.     Yang Heng, Zhang Yi, Liu Yujuan, Jian Shuguang and Deng Shulin*. A novel ABA-induced transcript factor from Millettia pinnata, MpAITR1, enhances salt and drought tolerance through ABA signaling in transgenic Arabidopsis. Journal of plant physiology 2023 288: 154060.

11.     Zhang Yi, Lyu Shanwu, Hu Zhifang, Yang Xuangang, Zhu Hongbo and Deng Shulin*. Identification and functional characterization of the SUMO system in sweet potato under salt and drought stress. Plant Science 2023 330: 111645.

12.     Yu Zhonghua, Yan Hao, Liang Ling, Zhang Yi, Yang Heng, Li Wei, Choi Jaehyuck, Huang Jianzi and Deng Shulin*. A C2H2-Type Zinc-Finger Protein from Millettia pinnata, MpZFP1, Enhances Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis. International journal of molecular sciences 2021 22(19).

13.     Zhang Yi#, Huang Jianzi#, Hou Qiongzhao, Liu Yujuan, Wang Jun and Deng Shulin*. Isolation and Functional Characterization of a Salt-Responsive Calmodulin-Like Gene MpCML40 from Semi-Mangrove Millettia pinnata. International journal of molecular sciences 2021 22(7): 3475.

14.     Zhou Bangjun, Wang Chaofeng, Chen Xuanyang, Zhang Yi and Zeng Lirong*. Two Ubiquitin-Activating Systems Occur in Plants with One Playing a Major Role in Plant Immunity. bioRxiv 2021: 2021.2009.2002.458739.

15.     Zhang Yiand Zeng Lirong*. Crosstalk between Ubiquitination and Other Post-translational Protein Modifications in Plant Immunity. Plant communications 2020 1(4): 100041.

16.     Yan Junpeng#, Shun Ming-Chieh#, Zhang Yi#, Hao Caili and Skowronski Jacek*. HIV-1 Vpr counteracts HLTF-mediated restriction of HIV-1 infection in T cells. PNAS 2019 116(19): 9568-9577.

17.     Yan Junpeng, Shun Ming-Chieh, Hao Caili,Zhang Yi, Qian Juan, Hrecka Kasia, DeLucia Maria, Monnie Christina, Ahn Jinwoo and Skowronski Jacek*. HIV-1 Vpr Reprograms CLR4(DCAF1) E3 Ubiquitin Ligase to Antagonize Exonuclease 1-Mediated Restriction of HIV-1 Infection.mBio 2018 9(5).

18.     Zhang Yi*. 5’ Rapid Amplification of cDNA Ends (5’ RACE) of Agrobacterial T-DNA Genes within Transformed Plant Sample. Bio-protocol 2015 5(18): e1603.

19.     Zhang Yi, Lee Chil-Woo, Wehner Nora, Imdahl Fabian, Svetlana Veselova, Weiste Christoph, Dröge-Laser Wolfgang and Deeken Rosalia*. Regulation of oncogene expression in T-DNA-transformed host plant cells. PLoS pathogens 2015 11(1): e1004620.

20.     Shen Huanshun, Liu Citao,Zhang Yi, Meng Xiuping, Zhou Xin, Chu Chengcai and Wang Xiping*. OsWRKY30 is activated by MAP kinases to confer drought tolerance in rice. Plant molecular biology 2012 80(3): 241-253.