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岗  位: 副研究员
邮政编码: 510650
学  历: 博士
邮箱地址: liuhx@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号


2021.1-今 中国科学院华南植物园,副研究员















3.城市生态系统文化服务供需评价及耦合格局特征研究-以广州市为例,国家自然科学基金青年项目, 2019-2021,31.5万,主持




7.南海岛礁植被结构多样性与多功能性耦合机理及对气候变化的响应,中科院青年人才重点项目,2022-2023, 50万,主持


9.粤港澳大湾区滨海陆域生态系统受损机理与修复技术,广东省科技计划项目, 2019-2021,1000万元,专题负责人

10.粤北生态屏障生态系统服务功能提升技术, 广东省重点领域研发计划项目, 2020.8-2023.8, 1000万,骨干



1. 城市生态专业委员会委员

2. 城市生态智慧管理系统(IUEMS)学术顾问

3. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, Special Issue “Greening Urban Spaces: A Healthy Community Design” 客座编辑(2022.04-    2023.04)

4. Journal of Sensors Special Issue “ Advanced Sensor Technologies in Agricultural, Environmental, and Ecological Engineering” 客座编辑 (2021.06-2022.06)

5. Journal of Cleaner Production, Ecosystem Service, Forests, Urban Forestry and Urban Greening, Journal of Environmental Management,Ecosystem Health and Sustainability等期刊审稿人




1. Liu Hongxiao, Nong HF, Ren Hai*, Liu K. 2022. The effect of nature exposure, nature connectedness on mental well-being and ill-being in a general Chinese population. Landscape and Urban Planning, 222, 104397. (中科院一区,IF=8.1)

2. Liu Hongxiao, Hamel Perrine*, Tardieu L, Remme RP, Han B, Ren H. 2022. A geospatial model of nature-based recreation for urban planning: Case study of Paris, France. Land Use Policy, 117, 106107. (中科院一区,IF=6.2)

3. Liu Hongxiao, Ren H, Remme RP, Nong Huifu*, Sui C. 2021. The effect of urban nature exposure on mental health—a case study of Guangzhou. Journal of Cleaner Production, 304, 127100. (中科院一区,IF=11.1)

4. Liu Hongxiao, Remme RP, Hamel P, Nong HF, Ren Hai*. 2020. Supply and demand assessment of urban recreation service and its implication for greenspace planning-A case study on Guangzhou. Landscape and Urban Planning, 203, 103898. (中科院一区,IF=8.1)

5. Liu Hongxiao, Hu Y, Li Feng*, Yuan L. 2018. Associations of multiple ecosystem services and disservices of urban park ecological infrastructure and the linkages with socioeconomic factors. Journal of Cleaner Production, 174: 868–879. (中科院一区,IF=11.1)

6. Liu Hongxiao, Han Baolong*, Wang L. 2018. Modeling the spatial relationship between urban ecological resources and the economy. Journal of Cleaner Production, 173, 207–216. (中科院一区,IF=11.1)

7. Liu Hongxiao, Li Feng*, Li J, Zhang Y. 2017. The relationships between urban parks, residents‘ physical activity, and mental health benefits: A case study from Beijing, China. Journal of Environmental Management, 190, 223–230. (IF=8.9, 引用149)

8Liu Hongxiao, Li Feng*, Xu L, Han B. 2017. The impact of socio-demographic, environmental, and individual factors on urban park visitation in Beijing, China. Journal of Cleaner Production, 163, S181–S188. (中科院一区,IF=11.1)

9. Liu Hongxiao, Ren Hai*, Hui D, Wang W, Liao B, Cao Q. 2014. Carbon stocks and potential carbon storage in the mangrove forests of China. Journal of Environmental Management, 133, 86–93. (IF=8.9, 引用147

10. Feng Li*, Liu Hongxiao, Donald Huisingh, Wang YT,  Wang RS. 2017. Shifting to healthier cities with improved urban ecological infrastructure: From the perspectives of planning, implementation, governance and engineering. Journal of Cleaner Production, 163: s1–s11.

11.  Hamel Perrine*, ... Liu Hongxiao, ...Daily GC. 2021. Mapping the benefits of nature in cities with the InVEST software. npj Urban Sustainability, 1(1), 1–9.

12.  Remme RP, ... Liu Hongxiao, ... Daily GC. 2021. An ecosystem service perspective on urban nature, physical activity, and health. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 118, (22), e2018472118.

13. Lu H, Xu F, Liu Hongxiao, Wang J, Campbell DE,  Ren H. 2019. Emergy-based analysis of the energy security of China. Energy, 181, 123-135.

14.  Chen X, Li F, Li X, Liu Hongxiao, Hu Y, Hu P. 2021. Integrating Ecological Assessments to Target Priority Restoration Areas: A Case Study in the Pearl River Delta Urban Agglomeration, China. Remote Sensing. 2021, 13, 2424.

15. Ren Hai…Liu Hongxiao … Zhao, L. 2019. Progress of implementation on the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation in (2011–2020) China. Biological Conservation, 230, 169–178.

16. Han BL, Liu Hongxiao, Wang Rusong*. 2015. Urban ecological security assessment for cities in the Beijing–Tianjin–Hebei metropolitan region based on fuzzy and entropy methods, Ecological Indicator, 318:217–225.

17. Han BL, Wang R, Yao L, Liu Hongxiao Wang Z. 2015. Life cycle assessment of ceramic fa?ade material and its comparative analysis with three other common fa?ade materials. Journal of Cleaner Production, 99, 86–93.

18. Han BL, Ouyang Z, Liu Hongxiao, Cui Z, Lu Z,  Crittenden, J. 2016. Courtyard integrated ecological system: An ecological engineering practice in China and its economic-environmental benefit. Journal of Cleaner Production, 133, 1363–1370.

19. Li Feng*, Liu XS, Zhang XL, Zhao D, Liu Hongxiao,  Zhou CB,  Wang RS. 2017. Urban ecological infrastructure: an integrated network for ecosystem services and sustainable urban system, Journal of Cleaner Production, 163:s12–s18.

20. Li F, Wang RS, Hu D, Ye YP, Yang WR, Liu Hongxiao. 2014. Measurement methods and applications for beneficial and detrimental effects of ecological services, Ecological Indicators, 47:102–111.

21. Guo QF*, Douglas AK, Sun ZY, Liu Hongxiao, Liangjun Hu, Hai Ren, Jun Wen. 2013. Global variation in elevational diversity patterns, Scientific Reports, 3:3007.

22. Li P, Huang ZL, Ren Hai*, Liu Hongxiao,  Wang Q. 2011. The evolution of environmental management philosophy under rapid economic development in China, AMBIO, 40:88–92.

23. Ren Hai*, Zhang QM, Lu HF, Liu Hongxiao, Guo QF, Wang J, Jian SG, Bao HO. 2012. Wild plant species with extremely small populations require conservation and reintroduction in China, AMBIO, 40:88–92.

24. Ren Hai*, Jian SG, Liu Hongxiao, Zhang Q, Lu H. 2014. Advances in the reintroduction of rare and endangered wild plant species. Science China Life Science, 3:230–237.

25. 刘红晓,程圆浩,韩宝龙. 2022. 城市绿地文娱服务供需评估模型. 热带地理. 10.

26. 刘红晓, 袁莲莲, 刘楠, 任海, 简曙光, 盘桂波, 张倩媚, 梁青云, 林喜珀. 2013. 杜鹃红山茶(Camellia changii Ye)的扦插苗、嫁接苗和砧木的光合作用特征.生态环境学报, 22(06):996-1000.

27. 谭德明, 丁仕宇,韩宝龙,潘雪莲,刘红晓. 2022. 不同发展模式对城市生态系统调节服务价值的影响研究.生态学报. 42(16).

28. 杨子晋, 董智, 李红丽, 刘超, 秦韵涵, 张晨旭, 刘红晓. 2022. 液态环保抑尘剂对模拟临时堆土坡面产流产沙的影响.干旱区资源与环境, 36(06):187-193.

29. 陈新闯,李小倩,吕一河,刘红晓,郭建英. 2019. 区域尺度生态修复空间辨识研究进展.生态学报, 39(23):8717-8724.

30. 丘清燕, 姚快乐, 刘骏, 葛志强, 许文斌, 刘红晓, 胡亚林. 2019. 易分解有机碳对不同恢复年限森林土壤激发效应的影响.生态学报, 39(13):4855-4864.

31. 朱恒槺, 李锋, 刘红晓, 叶亚平. 2016. 城市生态基础设施辨识与模型构建: 以广州市增城区为例. 生态科学, 35(03):118-128.

32. 马益斌, 范桑桑, 刘强, 刘红晓. 2012. 森林资源动态变化及分析以海南省为例. 安徽农业科学, 40(29):14295-14299.

33. 彭宗波, 崔志富, 韩宝龙, 刘红晓, 王春燕, 谭文丽, 王宁. 海南农村新型城镇化的生态基础设施集成技术研究与示范. 海南省, 海南省农垦科学院, 2018-10-18.


1. Conservation and Reintroduction of Rare and Endangered Plants in China. Springer. 副主编

2. 城市生态基础设施评估与管理,科学出版社,2019. 参编

3. Yuan L, Zhang J, Shen C, Ren H, Liu Hongxiao, Liu K. 2014. Quantification of soil organic carbon storage and turnover in two mangrove forests using dual carbon isotopic measurements. In Mangrove ecosystems of Asia (pp. 257-271). Springer, New York, NY.


1. 软件:城市绿地文娱服务供需评估在线计算软件1个,该软件将被开发成InVEST城市绿地文娱服务供需评估模型

2. 软件著作权:绿地文娱服务供需评估软件V1.0,登记号生态环境研究中心,2022SR0312637. 著作权人:中国科学院华南植物园, 中国科学院。

3. 发明专利:绿地供需数据处理方法、系统、计算机设备及储存介质,申请号:202110257832.9.

4. 实用新型专利:一种应用新型消浪护坡块进行水质净化和护坡的方法, 2013, 专利号: CN103086514A发明人