2008年09月~2013年06月 浙江大学 博士学位
2004年09月~2008年06月 浙江大学 学士学位
担任Biology和Applied Food Research编委;担任Frontiers in Plant Science和Plants专题客座编辑;担任Advanced Science、Plant Biotechnology Journal、Plant Cell & Environment、Food Chemistry和Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry等中国科学院JCR一区SCI期刊审稿人。
#Co-first author, *Corresponding author
(1) Fu, X.; Liao, Y.; Cheng, S.; Xu X.; Grierson, D.; Yang, Z.*, Nonaqueous fractionation and overexpression of fluorescent tagged enzymes reveals the subcellular sites of L-theanine biosynthesis in tea. Plant Biotechnology Journal 2021, 19, 98-108.
(2) Fu, X.; Liao, Y.; Cheng, S.; Deng, R.; Yang, Z.*, Stable isotope-labeled precursor tracing reveals that alanine is converted to theanine via glutamate not ethylamine in tea plants in vivo. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2021, 69, 15354-15361.
(3) Fu, X.; Chen, J.; Li, J.; Dai, G.; Tang, J.; Yang, Z.*, Mechanism underlying the carotenoid accumulation in shaded tea leaves. Food Chemistry: X 2022, 14, 100323.
(4) Fu, X.*; Gómez-Gómez, L.*; Rivera-Madrid, R.*, Editorial: Interactions between biochemical pathways producing plant colors and scents. Frontiers in Plant Science 2022, 13, 955431.
(5) Fu, X.#; Cheng, S.#; Liao, Y.; Xu, X.; Wang, X.; Hao, X.; Xu, P.; Yang, Z.*, Characterization of theanine hydrolase in vitro and subcellular distribution of its specific product ethylamine in tea (Camellia sinensis). Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2020, 68, 10842-10851.
(6) Fu, X.#; Cheng, S.#; Feng, C.; Kang, M.; Huang, B.; Jiang, Y.; Duan, X.; Grierson, D.; Yang, Z.*, Lycopene cyclases determine high α-/β-carotene ratio and increased carotenoids in bananas ripening at high temperatures. Food Chemistry 2019, 283, 131-140.
(7) Fu, X.#; Chen, S.#; Liao, Y.#; Huang, B.; Du, B.; Zeng, W.; Jiang, Y.; Duan, X.; Yang, Z.*, Comparative analysis of pigments in red and yellow banana fruit. Food Chemistry 2018, 239, 1009-1018.
(8) Fu, X.#; Chen, S#; Zhang, Y#.; Du, B.; Feng, C.; Zhou, Y.; Mei, X.; Jiang, Y.; Duan, X.; Yang, Z.*, Differential responses of four biosynthetic pathways of aroma compounds in postharvest strawberry (Fragaria× ananassa Duch.) under interaction of light and temperature. Food Chemistry 2017, 221, 356-364.
(9) Fu, X.#; Zhou, Y.#; Zeng, L.; Dong, F.; Mei, X.; Liao, Y.; Watanabe, N.; Yang, Z.*, Analytical method for metabolites involved in biosynthesis of plant volatile compounds. RSC Advances 2017, 7, 19363-19372.
(10) Fu, X.; Feng, C.; Wang, C.; Yin, X.; Lu, P.; Grierson, D.; Xu, C.*; Chen, K., Involvement of multiple phytoene synthase genes in tissue-and cultivar-specific accumulation of carotenoids in loquat. Journal of Experimental Botany 2014, 65, 4679-4689.
(11) Fu, X.; Kong, W.; Peng, G.; Zhou, J.; Azam, M.; Xu, C.*; Grierson, D.; Chen, K., Plastid structure and carotenogenic gene expression in red- and white-fleshed loquat (Eriobotrya japonica) fruits. Journal of Experimental Botany 2012, 63(1), 341-354.
(12) Fu, X.; Chen, Y.; Mei, X.; Katsuno, T.; Kobayashi, E.; Dong, F.; Watanabe, N.; Yang, Z.*, Regulation of formation of volatile compounds of tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves by single light wavelength. Scientific Reports 2015, 5.
(13) Liao, Y.#; Fu, X.#; Zeng, L.; Yang, Z*, Strategies for studying in vivo biochemical formation pathways and multilevel distributions of quality or function-related specialized metabolites in tea (Camellia sinensis). Critical Reviews in Food Science and Nutrition 2022, 62 (2), 429-442.
(14) Luan, Y.#; Fu, X.#; Lu, P.; Grierson D.; Xu, C*, Molecular mechanisms determining the differential accumulation of carotenoids in plant species and varieties. Critical Reviews in Plant Sciences 2020, 39, 125-139.
(15) Cheng, S.#; Fu, X.#; Liao, Y.; Xu, X.; Zeng, L.; Tang, J.; Li, J.; Lai, J.; Yang, Z.*, Differential accumulation of specialized metabolite L-theanine in green and albino-induced yellow tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves. Food Chemistry 2019, 276, 93-100.
(16) Cheng, S.#; Fu, X.#; Wang, X.; Liao, Y.; Zeng, L.; Dong, F.; Yang, Z.*, Studies on the biochemical formation pathway of the amino acid L-theanine in tea (Camellia sinensis) and other plants. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2017, 65, 7210-7216.
(17) Chen, Y.#; Fu, X.#; Mei, X.; Zhou, Y.; Cheng, S.; Zeng, L.; Dong, F.; Yang, Z.*, Proteolysis of chloroplast proteins is responsible for accumulation of free amino acids in dark-treated tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves. Journal of Proteomics 2017, 157, 10-17.
(18) Zhang, Y.#; Fu, X.#; Wang, F.; Yang, Z.*, Spatial differences in (Z)-3-hexen-1-ol production preferentially reduces Spodoptera litura larva attack on the young leaves of Nicotiana benthamiana. Plant Science 2016, 252, 367-373.
(19) Dong, F.#; Fu, X.#; Watanabe, N.; Su, X.; Yang, Z.*, Recent advances in the emission and functions of plant vegetative volatiles. Molecules 2016, 21, 124.
(20) Cheng, S.#; Fu, X.#; Mei, X.; Zhou, Y.; Du, B.; Watanabe, N.; Yang, Z.*, Regulation of biosynthesis and emission of volatile phenylpropanoids/benzenoids in petunia× hybrida flowers by multi-factors of circadian clock, light, and temperature. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry 2016, 107, 1-8.
(21) Chen, Y.#; Fu, X.#; Mei, X.; Zhou, Y. Du, B.; Tu, Y.; Yang, Z.*, Characterization of functional proteases from flowers of tea (Camellia sinensis) plants. Journal of Functional Foods 2016, 25, 149-159.
(22) Gui, J.#; Fu, X.#; Zhou, Y. Katsuno, T.; Mei, X.; Deng, R.; Xu, X.; Zhang, L.; Dong, F.; Watanabe, N.; Yang, Z.*, Does enzymatic hydrolysis of glycosidically bound volatile compounds really contribute to the formation of volatile compounds during the oolong tea manufacturing process? Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry 2015, 63, 6905-6914.
(23) 黄芳; 钱佳佳; 傅秀敏*, 茶叶氨基酸合成代谢及转化研究进展[J]. 中国茶叶2023, 45 (09): 10-18.(该论文获得“裕荣香杯”全国茶学论文征文及优秀论文奖学金二等奖)
(24) 傅秀敏*; 唐劲驰; 杨子银, 茶叶类胡萝卜素合成、代谢调控研究进展[J]. 广东农业科学 2021, 48 (05): 18-27.(该论文获得《广东农业科学》2020—2021年优秀论文)