1.Gu, D.C.#, Chen, C.Y.#, Zhao, M.L., Zhao, L.M., Duan, X.W., Duan, J.*, Wu, K.Q.*, Liu, X.C.* (2017). Identification of HDA15-PIF1 as a key repression module directing the transcriptional network of seed germination in the dark. Nucleic Acids Research, 45(12), 7137-7150.(第1作者;IF2017: 10.162;TOP 5%)
2.Gu, D.C., Ji, R.J., He, C.M., Peng, T., Zhang, M.Y., Duan, J., Xiong, C.Y.*, Liu, X.C.* (2019). Arabidopsis histone methyltransferase SUVH5 is a positive regulator of light-mediated seed germination. Frontiers in Plant Science, 10, 841.(第1作者;IF2019: 4.106;TOP 9%)
1.Zhao, L.M.#, Peng, T.#, Chen, C.Y.#, Ji, R.J., Gu, D.C., Li, T.T., Zhang, D.D., Tu, Y.T., Wu, K.Q., Liu, X.C.* (2019). HY5 Interacts with the Histone Deacetylase HDA15 to Repress Hypocotyl Cell Elongation in Photomorphogenesis. Plant Physiology, 180(3): 1450-1466. (第5作者;IF2019: 6.305, TOP 5%)
2.Yang, J. #, Yuan, L.Y. #, Yen, M.R. #, Zheng, F., Ji, R.J., Peng, T., Gu, D.C., Yang, S.G., Cui, Y.H., Chen, P.Y., Wu, K.Q. *, Liu, X. C.* (2019), SWI3B and HDA6 Interact and Are Required for Transposon Silencing in Arabidopsis. Plant Journal. Accepted Author Manuscript. (第7作者;IF2019: 5.726, TOP 5%)
3.Zeng, L.T.#, Wang, X.Q.#, Xiao, Y.Y., Gu, D.C., Liao, Y.Y., Xu, X.L., Jia, Y.X., Deng, R.F., Song, C.K., Yang, Z.Y.* (2019). Elucidation of (Z)-3-Hexenyl- -glucopyranoside Enhancement Mechanism Under Stresses from The Oolong Tea Manufacturing Process. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 67 (23), 6541-6550. (第4作者;IF2019: 3.571, TOP 5%)
4.Zeng, L.T., Wang, X.W., Liao, Y.Y., Gu, D.C., Dong, F., Yang, Z.Y. * (2019). Formation of and changes in phytohormone levels in response to stress during the manufacturing process of oolong tea (Camellia sinensis). Postharvest Biology and Technology, 157: 110974.(第4作者;IF2019: 3.927, TOP 5%)
5.Li, J.L.#, Zeng, L.T.#, Liao, Y.Y., Gu, D.C., Tang, J.C.*, Yang, Z.Y.* (2019). Influence of Chloroplast Defects on Formation of Jasmonic Acid and Characteristic Aroma Compounds in Tea (Camellia sinensis) Leaves Exposed to Postharvest Stresses. International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 20 (5), 1044. (第4作者;IF2019: 4.183, TOP 26%)
6.Zhao, J.H., Li, M.Z., Gu, D.C., Liu, X.C., Zhang, J.X., Wu, K.L., Zhang, X.H., Teixeira da Silva, J.A., Duan, J.* (2016). Involvement of rice histone deacetylase HDA705 in seed germination and in response to ABA and abiotic stresses. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 470 (2), 439-444. (第3作者;IF2016: 2.466, TOP 56%)