(1)Ouyang L, Lu LW, Wang JY, Zhao XW, Gao L, Zhao P. Soil warming effects on the transpiration of trees and shrubs in a subtropical secondary forest: a manipulative experiment. Forest Ecology and Management, 2024, 563: 121994.
(2)Wu JH, Cao X, Zhang TP*, Ouyang L*. Effect of polyethylene microplastics on soil organic carbon pool dynamics in the soil-rhizosphere-alfalfa system. Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2024, 12: 114724.
(3)Ouyang L, Lu LW, Wang CL, Li YQ, Wang JY, Zhao XH, Gao L, Zhu LW, Ni GY, Zhao P. A 14-year experiment emphasizes the important role of heat factors in regulating tree transpiration, growth, and water use efficiency of Schima superba in South China. Agricultural Water Management, 2022, 273: 107902.
(4)Ouyang L, Zhao P*, Rao X, Zhu LW, Ni GY. Interpreting the water use strategies of plantation tree species by canopy stomatal conductance and its sensitivity to vapor pressure deficit in South China. Forest Ecology and Management, 2022, 505: 119940.
(5)Ouyang L#, Du J#, Zhang Z*, Zhao P, Zhu LW, Ni GY. Urbanization intensifies tree sap flux but divergently for different tree species groups in China. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2022, 29: 27832-27844.
(6)Ouyang L, Wu J, Zhao P*, Li YQ, Zhu LW, Ni GY. Consumption of precipitation by evapotranspiration indicates potential drought for broadleaved and coniferous plantations in hilly lands of South China. Agricultural Water Management, 2021, 252: 106927.
(7)Ouyang L, Wu J, Zhao P*, Zhu LW, Ni GY. Stand age rather than soil moisture gradient mainly regulates the compromise between plant growth and water use of Eucalyptus urophylla in hilly South China. Land Degradation & Development, 2021, 32: 2423-2436.
(8)Ouyang L, Gao J, Zhao P*, Rao X. Species-specific transpiration and water-use patterns of two pioneer dominant tree species under manipulated rainfall in a low-subtropical secondary evergreen forest. Ecohydrology, 2020, 13: e2234.