(1) He Jinhong#, Tan Xiangping#, Nie Yanxia, Ma Lei, Liu Juxiu, Lu Xiankai, Mo Jiangming, Leloup Julie, Nunan Naoise, Ye Qing, Shen Weijun. 2023. Distinct responses of abundant and rare soil bacteria to nitrogen addition in tropical forest soils. Microbiology Spectrum. doi:10.1128/spectrum.03003-22
(2) Deng Jiaojiao, Fang Shuai, Fang Xiangmin, Jin Yanqiang, Kuang Yuanwen, Lin Fangmei, Liu Jiaqing, Ma Jingran, Nie Yanxia, Ouyang Shengnan, Ren Jing, Tie Liehua, Tang Songbo, Tan Xiangping, Wang Xugao, Fan Zhaofei, Wang Qingwei, Wang Hang, Liu Chenggang. 2023. Forest understory vegetation study: current status and future trends. Forestry Research. 3:6. doi:10.48130/FR-2023-0006 (All authors contributed equally and are listed in alphabetical order of the last names)
(3) Tan Xiangping#, He Jinhong#, Nie Yanxia, Ni Xiuling, Ye Qing, Ma Lei, Megharaj Megharaj, He Wenxiang, Shen Weijun. 2023. Climate and edaphic factors drive soil enzyme activity dynamics and tolerance to Cd toxicity after rewetting of dry soil. Science of the Total Environment, 855: 158926. doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.158926
(4) Tan Xiangping, Nie Yanxia, Ma Xiaomin, Guo Zhiming, Liu Yang, Tian Haixia, Megharaj Megharaj, Shen Weijun, He Wenxiang*. 2021. Soil chemical properties rather than the abundance of active and potentially active microorganisms control soil enzyme kinetics. Science of the Total Environment, 770: 144500. (1区, IF=6.551)
(5) Tan Xiangping#, Machmuller M B#, Huang Feng, He Jinhong, Chen Jie, Cotrufo M F, Shen Weijun*. 2020. Temperature sensitivity of ecoenzyme kinetics driving litter decomposition: The effects of nitrogen enrichment, litter chemistry, and decomposer community. Soil Biology and Biochemistry, 148:107878 (1区, IF=5.795)
(6) Tan Xiangping, Machmuller M B, Cotrufo M F, Shen Weijun*. 2020. Shifts in fungal biomass and activities of hydrolase and oxidative enzymes explain different responses of litter decomposition to nitrogen addition. Biology and Fertility of Soils, 56(3): 423-438. (1区, IF=5.521)
(7) Tan Xiangping#, He Yike#, Wang Ziquan, Li Chenghui, Kong Long, Tian Haixia, Shen Weijun, Mallavarapu M, He Wenxiang*. 2018. Soil mineral alters the effect of Cd on the alkaline phosphatase activity. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety. 161, 78–84. (2区, IF=4.527) (#共同第一作者)
(8) Tan Xiangping, Machmuller M B, Wang Ziquan, Li Xudong, He Wenxiang*, Cotrufo M F, Shen Weijun*. 2018. Temperature enhances the affinity of soil alkaline phosphatase to Cd. Chemosphere, 196: 214–222. (2区, IF=5.108)
(9) Tan Xiangping, Liu Yanju, Yan Kaihong, Wang Ziquan, Lu Guangnan, He Yike, He Wenxiang*. 2017. Differences in the response of soil dehydrogenase activity to Cd contamination are determined by the different substrates used for its determination. Chemosphere, 169: 324–332. (2区, IF=4.208)
(10) Tan Xiangping, Wang Ziquan, Lu Guannan, He Wenxiang*, Wei Gehong, Huang Feng, Xu Xinlan, Shen Weijun. 2017. Kinetics of soil dehydrogenase in response to exogenous Cd toxicity. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 329: 299–309. (1区, IF=6.434)
(11) Tan Xiangping, Kong Long, Yan Huirong, Wang Ziquan, He Wenxiang*, Wei Gehong. 2014. Influence of soil factors on the soil enzyme inhibition by Cd. Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B — Soil & Plant Science, 64: 666–674. (4区, IF=0.646)
(12) Tan Xiangping, Xie Baoni, Wang Junxing, He Wenxiang*, Wang Xudong, Wei Gehong. 2014. County-scale spatial distribution of soil enzyme activities and enzyme activity indices in agricultural land: implications for soil quality assessment. The Scientific World Journal, 2014: 1–11.
(13) 谭向平*,何金红,郭志明,王紫泉,聂彦霞,叶清,和文祥,申卫军. 土壤酶对重金属污染的响应及指示研究进展. 土壤学报, 2023, 60(1): 50-62.
(14) 谭向平, 汤萱, 郭惠斌, 何金红, 王玮韧, 王森浩, 聂彦霞, 张炜, 叶清, 申卫军*. 华南地区人工林现状与可持续经营对策. 陆地生态系统与保护学报, 2022, 2(5): 102-108.
(15) 谭向平,申卫军*.2021. 降水变化和氮沉降影响森林叶根凋落物分解的研究进展.生态学报,41(2):444-455.
(16) 谭向平,王紫泉,张晶,和文祥*,韦革宏. 2016. Cd对我国不同类型土壤硝化活性影响的主控因子研究. 环境科学学报, 36(07): 2624-2630.
(17) 谭向平,胡一,罗磊,和文祥*,王旭东,郝明德. 2012. 培肥复垦宅基地土壤酶和微生物特征研究. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版), 40 (01): 107-114.
(18) 谭向平,和文祥*,杨静,孔龙,王旭东,郝明德. 2011. 渭北旱塬苹果园土壤酶特征研究. 园艺学报, 38(04): 621-630.
(19) 谭向平,孔龙,和文祥*,王旭东,郝明德,唐明. 2011. 渭北旱塬土壤生化活性特征研究. 西北农林科技大学学报(自然科学版), 39(04): 139-146.