
电  话: 020-38674119
岗  位: 副研究员
邮政编码: 510650
学  历: 博士
邮箱地址: liuxu@scbg.ac.c.n
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号


(1)2007年09月 至 2012年06月,华南师范大学,生命科学学院,硕博连读研究生;

(2)2012年07月 至 2017年07月,中国科学院华南植物园,分子生物分析及遗传改良研究中心,助理研究员;

(3)2017年08月 至今,中国科学院华南植物园,农业与生物技术研究中心,副研究员/博导;














2)Frontiers in Plant Science,客座主编(review editor),2020-2023;
(4)长期担任Plant Biotechnology Journal、Horticulture Research、Plant Physiology等多个国际学术刊物的审稿人;



1)      Guoguo Mei, Ao Chen, Yaru Wang, Shuquan Li, Minyi Wu, Xu Liu*, Xingliang Hou*. A simple and efficient in planta transformation method based on the active regeneration capacity of plants. Plant Communications, 2024, 5: 100822.

2)      Xiao Y, Qian J, Hou X, Zeng L, Liu X, Mei G, Liao Y*. Diurnal emission of herbivore-induced (Z)-3-hexenyl acetate and allo-ocimene activates sweet potato defense responses to sweet potato weevils. Journal of Integrative Agriculture. 2023, 22, 1782–1796.

3)      Liu Xu*, Hou Xingliang. Discovery of genes conferring host resistance to sweet potato weevils. Nature Plants. 2022, 8: 1341-1342.

4)      Liu Xu#, Wang Yaru#, Zhu Hongbo#, Mei Guoguo#, Liao Yinyin#, Rao Shunfa, Li Shuquan, Chen Ao, Liu Hongjie, Zeng Lanting, Xiao Yangyang, Li Xiaoming, Yang Ziyin, Hou Xingliang*. Natural allelic variation confers high resistance to sweet potato weevils in sweet potato. Nature Plants, 2022, 8(11): 1233-1244.

5)      Yang, Yuhua#, Liu, Xu#, Zhang, Wenbin, Qian, Qian, Zhou, Limeng, Liu, Shu, Li, Yuge, Hou, Xingliang*. Stress response proteins NRP1 and NRP2 are pro-survival factors that inhibit cell death during ER stress. Plant Physiology, 2021, 187(3): 1414-1427.

6)      Zhang C, Qian Q, Huang X, Zhang W, Liu X, Hou X. NF-YCs modulate histone variant H2A.Z deposition to regulate photomorphogenic growth in Arabidopsis. J Integr Plant Biol. 2021 63(6): 1120-1132.

7)      Zhang W, Tang Y, Hu Y, Yang Y, Cai J, Liu H, Zhang C, Liu X, Hou X. Arabidopsis NF-YCs play dual roles in repressing brassinosteroid biosynthesis and signaling during light-regulated hypocotyl elongation. The Plant Cell. 2021 33: 2360-2374.

8)      Liu H, Li Y, Hu Y, Yang Y, Zhang W, He M, Li X, Zhang C, Kong F, Liu X, Hou X. EDS1-interacting J protein 1 is an essential negative regulator of plant innate immunity in Arabidopsis. The Plant Cell. 2021 33: 153-171.

9)      Hu Y, Zhou L, Yang Y, Zhang W, Chen Z, Li X, Qian Q, Kong F, Li Y, Liu X, Hou X. The gibberellin signaling negative regulator RGA-LIKE3 promotes seed storage protein accumulation. Plant Physiology. 2021 185(4): 1697-1707.

10)   Liao Y, Zeng L, Rao S, Gu D, Liu X, Wang Y, Zhu H, Hou X, Yang Z. Induced biosynthesis of chlorogenic acid in sweetpotato leaves confers the resistance against sweetpotato weevil attack. Journal of Advanced Research. 2020 24: 513-522.

11)   Li Y, Yang Y, Hu Y, Liu H, He M, Yang Z, Kong F, Liu X, Hou X. DELLA and EDS1 Form a Feedback Regulatory Module to Fine-Tune Plant Growth-Defense Tradeoff in Arabidopsis. Molecular Plant. 2019 12: 1485-1498.

12)   Hong L, He C, Shen H, Liu S, Liu X, Li X, Li L. N-terminal domains of AhAREB1 protein are necessary for transcriptional characteristics and negative regulation of the AhNCED1 gene. Biologia Plantarum, 2019, 63: 388-397.

13)   Hu Y, Zhou L, Huang M, He X, Yang Y, Liu X, Li Y, Hou X. Gibberellins play an essential role in late embryogenesis of Arabidopsis. Nature Plants. 2018 4: 289-298.

14)   Xu Liu, Yuhua Yang, Yilong Hu, Limeng Zhou, Yuge Li, Xingliang Hou, Temporal-Specific Interaction of NF-YC and CURLY LEAF during the Floral Transition Regulates. Flowering, Plant Physiology, 2018 177: 105-114.

15)   Xu Liu, Xingliang Hou, Antagonistic Regulation of ABA and GA in Metabolism and Signaling Pathways, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2018, 9: 251.

16)   Sun H, Qiao Z, Chua KP, Tursic A, Liu X, Gao YG, Mu Y, Hou X, Miao Y. Profilin Negatively Regulates Formin-Mediated Actin Assembly to Modulate PAMP-Triggered Plant Immunity. Current Biology. 2018, 28: 1882-1895.

17)   Hu Y, Zhou L, Huang M, He X, Yang Y, Liu X, Li Y, Hou X. Gibberellins play an essential role in late embryogenesis of Arabidopsis. Nature Plants. 2018, 4: 289-298.

18)   Yang Tang, Xuncheng Liu, Xu Liu, Yuge Li, Keqiang Wu, Xingliang Hou, Arabidopsis NF-YCs mediate the light control of hypocotyl elongation via modulating histone acetylation. Molecular Plant, 2017, 10: 260-273.

19)   Xu Liu, Pengwei Hu, Mingkun Huang, Yang Tang, Yuge Li, Ling Li, Xingliang Hou*, The NF-YC-RGL2 module integrates GA and ABA signalling to regulate seed germination in Arabidopsis, Nature Communications, 2016, 7: 12768

20)   Xiaoyun Li, Xiaoling Li, Meijuan Li, Youcheng Yan, Xu Liu*, Ling Li*, Dual Function of NAC072 in ABF3-Mediated ABA-Responsive Gene Regulation in Arabidopsis, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2016, 7: 1075

21)   Liu S, Li M, Su L, Ge K, Li L, Li X, Liu X, Li L. Negative feedback regulation of ABA biosynthesis in peanut (Arachis hypogaea): a transcription factor complex inhibits AhNCED1 expression during water stress. Sci Rep. 2016 6: 37943.

22)   Mingkun Huang, Yilong Hu, Xu Liu, Yuge Li, Xingliang Hou, Arabidopsis LEAFY COTYLEDON1 Mediates Postembryonic Development via Interacting with PHYTOCHROME -INTERACTING FACTOR4, The Plant Cell, 2015, 27: 3099-3111.

23)   Mingkun Huang, Yilong Hu, Xu Liu, Yuge Li, Xingliang Hou, Arabidopsis LEAFY COTYLEDON1 controls cell fate determination during post-embryonic development, Frontiers in Plant Science, 2015, 6: 955.

24)   Li Xiaoyun, Lu Jiabao, Liu Shuai, Liu Xu, Lin Yingying, and Li Ling, Identification of rapidly induced genes in the response of peanut (Arachis hypogaea) to water deficit and abscisic acid, BMC Biotechnology, 2014, 14: 58. doi:10.1186/1472-6750-14-58.

25)   Liu Xu, Liu Shuai, Wu Jiali, Zhang Biyu, Li Xiaoyun, Yan Youchen, and Li Ling, Overexpression of Arachis hypogaea NAC3 in tobacco enhances dehydration and drought tolerance by increasing superoxide scavenging, Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 2013, 70: 354-359.

26)   Hu Bo, Hong Lan, Liu Xu, Xiao Suni, Lv Yan, and Li Ling, Identification of different ABA biosynthesis sites at seedling and fruiting stages in Arachis hypogaea L. following water stress, Plant Growth Regulation, 2013, 70(2): 131-140.

27)   Li Xiaoyun, Liu Xu, Yao Yao, Li Yihao, Liu Shuai, He Chaoyong, Li Jianmei, Lin Yingying, and Li Ling, Overexpression of Arachis hypogaea AREB1 Gene Enhances Drought Tolerance by Modulating ROS Scavenging and Maintaining Endogenous ABA Content, International Journal of Molecular Sciences, 2013, 14(6): 12827-12842.

28)   Hu Bo, Hong Lan, Liu Xu, Xiao Suni, Lv Yan, and Li Ling. The higher expression and distribution of 9-cis-epoxycarotenoid dioxygenase1 (AhNCED1) from Arachis hyopgaea L. contribute to tolerance to water stress in a drought-tolerant cultivar, Acta Physiologiae Plantarum, 2013, 35(5): 1667-1674.

29)   Hong Lan, Hu Bo, Liu Xu, He Chaoyong, Yao Yao, Li Xiaolin, and Li Ling, Molecular cloning and expression analysis of a new stress-related AREB gene from Arachis hypogaea, Biologia Plantarum, 2013, 57(1): 56-62.


31)   Su Liangchen, Liu Xu, Chen Yanping, and Li Ling, Isolation of AhDHNs from Arachis hypogaea L. and evaluation of AhDHNs expression under exogenous abscisic acid (ABA) and water stress, African Journal of Biotechnology, 2012, 11(51): 11221-11229.(未录入SCI

32)   Li Xiaoyun, Li Ling, Liu Xu, Zhang Bao, Zheng Wenling, and Ma Wenli, ANALYSIS OF PHYSIOLOGICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF ABSCISIC ACID SENSITIVITY AND SALT RESISTANCE IN ARABIDOPSIS ANAC MUTANTS (ANAC019, ANAC072 AND ANAC055), Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2012, 26(3): 2966-2970.

33)   Liu Xu, Hong Lan, Li Xiaoyun, Yao Yao, Hu Bo, and Li Ling, Improved Drought and Salt Tolerance in Transgenic Arabidopsis Overexpressing a NAC Transcriptional Factor from Arachis hypogaea, Bioscience Biotechnology and Biochemistry, 2011, 75(3): 443-450.

34)   Liu Xu, Zhang Biyu, Hong Lan, Su Liangchen, Liang Xuanqiang, Li Xiaoyun, and Li Ling, MOLECULAR CHARACTERIZATION OF ARACHIS HYPOGAEA NAC 2 (AHNAC2) REVEALS IT AS A NAC-LIKE PROTEIN IN PEANUT, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2010, 24(4): 2066-2070.

35)   Hu Bo, Liu Xu, Hong Lan, Li Ling, and Luo Gangyue, EXPRESSION AND LOCALIZATION OF ARACHIS HYPOGAEA 9-CIS EPOXYCAROTENOID DIOXYGENASE 1 (AHNCED1) OF PEANUT UNDER WATER STRESS, Biotechnology & Biotechnological Equipment, 2010, 24(1): 1562-1568.

36)   Liu Xu, Hong Lan, Zhang Biyu, Yao Yao, Su Liangchen, Hu Bo, Li Haihang, and Li Ling, OVEREXPRESSION OF A NAC TRANSCRIPTION FACTOR, AHNAC2 FROM PEANUT (ARACHIS HYPOGAEA L.), ENHANCES ABA SENSITIVITY AND DROUGHT TOLERANCE IN TRANSGENIC ARABIDOPSIS, 21st International Conference on Arabidopsis Research, 89, Yokohama. 2010.06.06. (Meeting Abstracts)

37)   饶顺发, 刘旭, 廖茵茵,. 小象甲取食处理下甘薯'广薯87'的转录组分析. 植物生理学报, 2020, 56: 1484-1492.

38)   卢嘉宝, 李晓云, 刘旭, 李晓玲, 李逸豪, 李玲. 三个拟南芥NAC 同源基因突变体的ABA 响应及下游基因表达分析. 生命科学研究, 2015, 19: 114-118.

39)   洪岚,简小倩,刘旭,何朝勇,李晓玲,李玲. 拟南芥乙烯信号突变体响应脱落酸的生长表型分析, 仲恺农业工程学院学报, 2013, 26: 1-5+11.

40)   刘帅,朱明鲲,刘旭,李玲. 拟南芥abf3abf4突变体对ABA和盐胁迫响应, 华南师范大学学报(自然科学版), 2012, 44: 100-104.

41)   洪岚,刘旭,李玲.植物AREB/ABF转录因子及其参与的ABA信号转导, 植物生理学报, 2011, 47: 211-217.

42)   刘旭,李玲. 2009, 花生NAC转录因子AhNAC2AhNAC3的克隆及转录特征, 作物学报, 35: 541-545.

43)   刘旭,李玲. 2008, 植物NAC转录因子的研究进展, 生命科学研究, 12: 10-16.


(1)      Xu Liu; Xingliang Hou; Pesticidal compositions, 2022-08-16, 欧洲, PCT/CN2022/112862(国际专利)

(2)      刘旭; 侯兴亮; 梅果果; 陈澳; 吴敏怡; 一种非无菌条件的快速马铃薯转基因方法, 2024-03-21, 中国, 202410328499.2(国家发明专利)

(3)      侯兴亮; 刘旭; 梅果果; 陈澳; 吴敏怡; 一种利用无性繁殖的快速厚藤转基因方法, 2024-03-21, 中国, 202410328506.9(国家发明专利)

(4)      侯兴亮; 刘旭; 梅果果; 李澍銓; 甘薯小象甲抗性位点SPWR1SPWR2、分子标记及其应用, 2022-3-23, 中国, 202210293002.9(国家发明专利)

(5)      侯兴亮; 刘旭; 王亚如; 一种快速实现甘薯转基因的方法, 2021-6-24, 中国, 202110705309.0, 2023-03-31, CN 113322274 B(国家发明专利)

(6)      邓汝芳, 刘旭, 陈雅平, 刘乐如, 徐信兰, 贾永霞, 胡晓颖. 一种整体免疫后双固定包埋制样法, 2021-06-24, 202110703166.X, 2023-10-03, CN 113418766 B(国家发明专利)

(7)      侯兴亮; 王亚如; 刘旭; 一种抗小象甲甘薯品种的鉴定方法, 2021-3-23, 中国, 202110309090.2(国家发明专利)

(8)      侯兴亮; 唐伶俐; 刘旭; 水稻基因OsNF#YC4及其应用, 2019-10-18, 中国, CN201710238398.6(国家发明专利)