1. 果蔬贮运基础生物学问题研究
2. 果蔬保鲜药剂和保鲜材料开发
1.国家重点研发子课题,2021年12-2026年11月,“柑桔、菜心等果蔬产后供应链品质控制技术基保鲜材料研究”, 134万,主持
8.横向课题 “植物生长调节剂应用”,2020年6月-2025年6月,广州禾益农业技术有限公司,50万,主持
9.横向课题 “人参高品质产品研究及质量评价项目”,2023年6月-2026年7月,广东同汇科技股份有限公司,28万,主持
10.横向课题 “冰箱水果保鲜基础数据库研究项目”,2023年09月-2024年9月, 合肥华凌股份有限公司,34.5万,主持
获得广东省杰出青年基金、广东省高层次人才B等级、入选中国科学院青促会会员、入选广州市“菁英计划”和“珠江科技新星”人才专项;荣获2019年农业农村部“神农中华农业科技创新团队奖”、“2016年广东省科学技术奖励一等奖”、“2016年大北农科技奖创意奖”、 “2021广东省农业技术推广奖二等奖”、“2022年广东省科学技术二等奖”。
1) Gong L, Passari AK, Yin CX, Thakur VK, Newbold J, Clark W, Jiang YM, Kumar S, Gupta VK. (2023) Sustainable utilization of fruit and vegetable waste bioresources for bioplastics production. Critical Reviews in Biotechnology https://doi.org/10.1080/07388551.2022.2157241
2) Yin CX, Zhu H, Lao YL, Jiang YM, Gong L*. (2023) MicroRNAs in the exosome-like nanoparticles from orange juice inhibit Citrus blue mold caused by Penicillium italicum. LWT, 182: 114781,
3) Yin CX, Xie LH, Wu YF, Qu HX, Yang B, Gong L, Jiang YM, Li TT. (2023) Involvement of miRNAs-mediated senescence and salicylic acid defense in postharvest litchi downy blight. Food Chemistry 404: 134662
4) Zhang XC, Li D, Wang Y, ETTOUMI FE, Jia HF, Fang JG, Chen YP, Li L, Xua YQ, Gong L, Zhu RY, Luo ZS. (2022) Fumigation of SO2 in combination with elevated CO2 regulate sugar and energy metabolism in postharvest strawberry fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology, 192:112021.
5) Yi GH, Yin CX, Lao YL, Shi ZF*, He XW, Wu JY, Jiang YM, Gong L*. (2022) Antibacterial and antitumor activities of chitosan/polyvinyl alcohol films containing microemulsion of papaya seed essential oil. Materials Today Communications, 31: 103475
6) Usmani Z, Sharma M, Awasthi AK, Lukk T., Tuohy M.G., Gong L*., Nguyen-Tri P., Goddard A.D., Bill R.M., Chandra N.S., Gupta K.V*. (2021) Lignocellulosic biorefineries: The current state of challenges and strategies for efficient commercialization. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, 148: 111258.
7) Gong L, Liu YF, Xiong YH, Li TT, Yin CX, Zhao JN, Yu JL, Yin Q, Gupta VK, Jiang YM, Duan XW. (2020) New insights into the evolution of host specificity of three Penicillium species and the pathogenicity of P. Italicum involving the infection of Valencia orange (Citrus sinensis). Virulence, 11:1, 748-768.
8) Chen LH, Shi YH, Gao B, Zhao YL,Jiang YM, Zha ZG*, Xue W*, Gong L*. (2020)Lignin Nanoparticles: Green Synthesis in a -Valerolactone/Water Binary Solvent and Application to Enhance Antimicrobial Activity of Essential Oils. ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering. 8:714?722.
9) Dong, QF, Gong L, Kang YF, Osako K, Li L*. (2020) Characterization of PLA-P3,4HB active film incorporated with essential oil: Application in peach preservation. Food Chemistry, 313: 126134.
10) Yin CX, Zhu H, Jiang YM, Shan Y*,Gong L*, (2020) Silencing Dicer-Like Genes Reduces Virulence and sRNA Generation in Penicillium italicum, the Cause of Citrus Blue Mold, Cells,9(2).
11) Gong L, Zhao ZY, Yin CX, Gupta VK, Zhang XH, Jiang,YM. (2019) Synergistic interaction of natamycin with carboxymethyl chitosan for controlling Alternata alternara, a cause of black spot rot in postharvest jujube fruit. Postharvest Biology and Technology,156, 110919.
12) Zeng J, Gupta VK, Jiang Y, Yang B, Gong L*, Zhu H*. (2019) Cross-Kingdom Small RNAs Among Animals, Plants and Microbes. Cells. 8(4).
13) Yin CX, Liu HX,Shan Y, Gupta VK*, Jiang YM, Zhang WM*, Tan HB, Gong L*. (2019) Cytosporone B as a Biological Preservative: Purification, Fungicidal Activity and Mechanism of Action against Geotrichum citri-aurantii. Biomolecules. 9(4).
14) Gong L#, Zhu H#, Li TT#, Ming GF, Duan XW, Wang JS, Jiang YM. (2019) Molecular signatures of cytotoxic effects in human embryonic kidney 293 cells treated with single and mixture of ochratoxin A and citrinin.Food and Chemical Toxicology, 123:374–384.
15) Jian QJ, Li TT, Wang Y, Zhang Y, Zhao ZY, Zhang XH, Gong L*, Jiang YM. (2019) New insights into fumonisin production and virulence of Fusarium proliferatum underlying different carbon sources. Food Research International. 116, 397-407.
16) Gong L#, Wu Y#, Jian Q, Yin C, Li T, Gupta VK, Duan X, Jiang Y. (2018) Complete genome sequencing of the luminescent bacterium, Vibrio qinghaiensis sp. Q67 using PacBio technology.Scientific Data. 5:170205.
17) Jian Q#, Gong L#, Li T, Wang Y, Wu Y, Chen F, Qu H, Duan X, Jiang Y. (2017). Rapid Assessment of the Toxicity of Fungal Compounds Using Luminescent Vibrio qinghaiensis sp. Q67. Toxins (Basel). 9(10).
18) Li T#, Gong L#, Jiang G, Wang Y, Gupta VK, Qu H, Duan X, Wang J5, Jiang Y. (2017) Carbon Sources Influence Fumonisin Production in Fusarium proliferatum. Proteomics. 17(19).
19) Gong L#, Tan HB#, Chen F, Li TT, Zhu JY, Jian QJ, Yuan DB, Xu LX, Hu WZ, Jiang YM, Duan XW. (2016) Novel synthesized 2, 4-DAPG analogues: antifungal activity, mechanism and toxicology. Scientific Reports. 6:32266.
20) Gong L, Li TT, Chen F, Duan XW, Yuan YF, Zhang DD, Jiang YM. (2016) An inclusion complex of eugenol into -cyclodextrin: Preparation, and physicochemical and antifungal characterization. Food Chemistry 196: 324–330.