1994年7月于沈阳农业大学植保系获得学士学位;2000年5月于韩国忠北大学园艺系获得硕士学位;2007年7月于美国北卡州立大学作物系获得博士学位,随后在其系进行副研究员(postdoctoral research associate)的研究;于2013年7月加入中国科学院华南植物园基因工程中心。多年从事植物组织培养、基因转化、生物和基因育种的研究工作。目前主要从事五大作物的基因转化研究及其在基因精确定位叠加系统上的应用。
1、美国能源部“Lignin-reduced and cellulase-expressing switchgrass”(2010-2013), 16,2000 美元,共同主持人。
3、农业部转基因专项、中国科学院重点部署项目“基因叠加系统在作物上的应用” (2010-2015)。1200 万元,主要参加执行人。
4、中国科学院华南农业植物分子分析与遗传改良重点实验室“利用基因定位叠加系统进行生态友好型水稻的快速培育”,31.2 万元(2015-2016),主持人。
5、广东省面上科技项目“应用三类氧化胁迫基因开发低镉黑麦草培育的研究” (2015-2018),10 万元,主持人。
2005 年度美国北卡州生物技术中心 Travel Award (800$)
美国农业 Gamma Sigma Delta 荣誉协会会员
首位中韩林业部交换学者 (1996)
1. Li. R., Han Z.,Hou L., Ow DW. 2016. Chromosome and Genomic Engineering in Plants: Method for biolistic site-specific integration in plants catalyzed by Bxb1 integrase. Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 1469. Springer publication.
2. Zhao B, R. Qu, R. Li, B. Xu, and T. Frazier. 2013. Switchgrass (chapter 9): Tissue Culture, Genetic Transformation, and Improvement of Switchgrass through Genetic Engineering. Hong Luo (editors). Compendium of Bioenergy Plants: Switchgrass. SCIENCE PUBLISHERS/Taylor & Francis/CRC PRESS, Boca Raton, FL, USA.
3. Wang, Z., R. Li, J. Xu, J.M. Marita, R.D. Hatfield, R. Qu , J.J. Cheng. 2012. Sodium hydroxide pretreatment of genetically modified switchgrass for improved enzymatic release of sugars. Bioresource Technology. 110:364-370.
4. Zhou X, J. Xu, Z. Wang, J.J. Cheng, R. Li, R. Qu. 2012. Dilute sulfuric acid pretreatment of transgenic switchgrass for sugar production. Bioresource Technology 104:823-827
5. Li R. and R. Qu. 2011. High throughput Agrobacterium- mediated switchgrass transformation. Biomass and Bioenergy 35: 1046-1054.
6. Li R, A. H. Bruneau and R. Qu. 2010. Tissue culture-induced morphological somaclonal variation in St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze]. Plant Breeding. 129: 96-99.
7. Li R, A. H. Bruneau, and R. Qu. 2010. Morphological mutant of St. Augustinegrass induced by gamma ray irradiation. Plant breeding. 129:412-416.
8. Li R, R. Qu, A. H. Bruneau, and D.P. Livingston. 2010. Selection for freezing tolerance in St. Augustinegrass through somaclonal variation and germplasm evaluation. Plant breeding. 129:417-421.
9. Reynolds, W.C, R. Li, K. de Silva, A. H. Bruneau, and R. Qu, 2009: Field performance of mutant and somaclonal variation lines of St. Augustinegrass [Stenotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze]. Intl. Turfgrass Soc. Res. J.11:573-582.
10. Li R, A. H. Bruneau, and R. Qu. 2006. Improved plant regeneration and in vitro somatic embryogenesis of St. Augustinegrass [Stanotaphrum secundatum (Walt.) Kuntze]. Plant Breeding. 125: 52-56.
11. Li L, R. Li, S. Fei, and R. Qu. 2005. Agrobacterum-mediated transformation of common bermudagrass (Cynodon dactylon). Plant Cell Tiss. and Org. Cult.. 83: 223-229.
12. Li R, H. N. Murthy, S. K. Kim, and K. Y. Paek. 2001. CO2-enrichment and photosynthetic photon flux affect the growth of in vitro-cultured apple plantlets. J. of Plant Biology. 44 (2): 87-91.