
岗  位: 陈焕镛研究员
邮政编码: 510650
学  历: 博士
邮箱地址: zhangmei@scbg.ac.cn
通讯地址: 广州市天河区兴科路723号










(1) 国家自然科学基金面上项目。项目资助号32270380,项目名称:海刀豆对热带珊瑚岛特殊生境的生理生态及分子适应机制研究。执行年限及资助额度:2023/01–2026/12,54万元。项目主持人。

(2) 国家自然科学基金面上项目。项目资助号31570257,项目名称:水稻水通道蛋白OsPIP维持水分内稳态和重金属镉解毒的机理研究。执行年限及资助额度:2016/01–2019/12,63万元。项目主持人。

(3) 国家自然科学基金面上项目。项目资助号31271702,项目名称:重金属氧胁迫下OsBBI基因的解毒机理研究。执行年限及资助额度:2013/01–2016/12,80万元。项目主持人。

(4) 国家自然科学基金青年基金。项目资助号30900892,项目名称:金属耐受蛋白MTP在水稻应答镉胁迫中的功能研究。执行年限及资助额度:2010/01–2012/12,19万元。项目主持人。

(5) 国际科学基金。项目资助号C/4787,项目名称:Functional analysis of OsMTP1 (Metal tolerance protein1) in Cadmium uptake and accumulation in rice。执行年限及资助额度:2009/06–2011/12,12,000USD。项目主持人。

(6) 广州市科技计划项目。项目资助号2006J1-C0131,项目名称:转基因技术培育抗根腐病的非洲菊新品种。执行年限及资助额度:2006/01–2007/12,9万元。项目主持人。



目前任国际英文SCI期刊《Plant Physiology and Biochemistry》《BMC Plant Biology》编委并为《Gene》、《Journal of Hazardous Materials》、《Frontiers in plant science》、《Planta》、《Plant Cell Reports》、《BMC genomics》、《PeerJ》、《Acta Physiologiae Plantarum》、《Journal of Plant Growth Regulation》、《Plant Biotechnology Reports》、《International Journal of Biological Macromolecules》、《PLOS ONE》、《Brazilian Journal of Botany》、以及《Marine Environmental Research》等SCI期刊评议审稿人。




第一作者和通讯作者SCI论文 (包含并列第一作者和并列通讯作者)

(1) Liu Hao,Ding Qianqian,Cao Lisha,Huang Zhengwang,Wang Zhengfeng,Zhang Mei *,Jian Shuguang *. Identification of the abscisic acid-,stress-,and ripening-induced (ASR) family involved in the adaptation of Tetragonia tetragonoides (Pall.) Kuntze to saline-alkaline and drought habitats [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2023. 24 (21):15815. (IF2022-2023=5.6).

(2) Ding Qianqian,Liu Hao,Lin Ruoyi,Wang Zhengfeng,Jian Shuguang,Zhang Mei *. Genome-wide functional characterization of Canavalia rosea cysteine-rich trans-membrane module (CrCYSTM) genes to reveal their potential protective roles under extreme abiotic stress [J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2023. 200: 107786. (IF2022-2023=6.5).

(3) Zhang Mei *,Wang Zhengfeng,Jian Shuguang *. Functional characterization of heat shock factor (CrHsf) families provide comprehensive insight into the adaptive mechanisms of Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC. to tropical coral islands [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. 23 (20):12357. (IF2022-2023=5.6).

(4) Zhang Mei *,Jian Shuguang,Wang Zhengfeng *. Comprehensive analysis of the Hsp20 gene family in Canavalia rosea indicates its roles in the response to multiple abiotic stresses and adaptation to tropical coral islands [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2022. 23 (12):6405. (IF2022-2023=5.6).

(5) Zou Tao,Pu Lin,Lin Ruoyi,Mo Hui,Wang Zhengfeng,Jian Shuguang,Zhang Mei *. Roles of Canavalia rosea metallothioneins in metal tolerance and extreme environmental adaptation to tropical coral reefs [J]. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2022. 268: 153559. (IF2022-2023=4.3).

(6) Zhang Mei *,Wang Zhengfeng,Jian Shuguang *. Genome-wide identification and functional analysis of the GASA gene family responding to multiple stressors in Canavalia rosea [J]. Genes-Basel. 2022. 13 (11),1988. (IF2022-2023=3.5).

(7) Pu Lin,Lin Ruoyi,Zou Tao,Wang Zhengfeng,Zhang Mei *,Jian Shuguang *. Genome-wide identification,primary functional characterization of the NHX gene family in Canavalia rosea,and their possible roles for adaptation to tropical coral reefs [J]. Genes-Basel. 2021. 13 (1):33. (IF2022-2023=3.5).

(8) Zou Tao,Lin Ruoyi,Pu Lin,Mei Qiming,Wang Zhengfeng,Jian Shuguang,Zhang Mei *. Genome-wide identification,structure characterization,expression pattern profiling,and substrate specificity of the metal tolerance protein family in Canavalia rosea (Sw.) DC [J]. Plants-Basel. 2021. 10 (7):1340. (IF2022-2023=4.5).

(9) Zheng Jiexuan #,Lin Ruoyi #,Pu Lin,Wang Zhengfeng,Mei Qiming,Zhang Mei *,Jian Shuguang *. Ectopic expression of CrPIP2;3,a plasma membrane intrinsic protein gene from the halophyte Canavalia rosea,enhances drought and salt-alkali stress tolerance in Arabidopsis [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. 22 (2):565. (#,contributed equally). (IF2022-2023=5.6).

(10) Lin Ruoyi,Tao Zou,Mei Qiming,Wang Zhengfeng,Zhang Mei *,Jian Shuguang *. Genome-wide analysis of the late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) and abscisic acid-,stress-,and ripening-induced (ASR) gene superfamily from Canavalia rosea and their roles in salinity/alkaline and drought tolerance [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2021. 22 (9):4554. (IF2022-2023=5.6).

(11) Lin Ruoyi #,Zheng Jiexuan #,Pu Lin,Wang Zhengfeng,Mei Qiming,Zhang Mei *,Jian Shuguang *. Genome-wide identification and expression analysis of aquaporin family in Canavalia rosea and their roles in the adaptation to saline-alkaline soils and drought stress [J]. BMC Plant Biology. 2021. 21: 333. (#,contributed equally). (IF2022-2023=5.3).

(12) Su Huaxiang,Zou Tao,Lin Ruoyi,Zheng Jiexuan,Jian Shuguang,Zhang Mei *. Characterization of a phytochelatin synthase gene from Ipomoea pes-caprae involved in cadmium tolerance and accumulation in yeast and plants [J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2020. 155: 743–755. (IF2022-2023=6.5).

(13) Zheng Jiexuan,Su Huaxiang,Lin Ruoyi,Zhang Hui,Xia Kuaifei,Jian Shuguang,Zhang Mei *. Isolation and characterization of an atypical LEA gene (IpLEA) from Ipomoea pes-caprae conferring salt/drought and oxidative stress tolerance [J]. Scientific Reports. 2019. 9 (1):14838. (IF2022-2023=4.6).

(14) Ye Yuyan #,Lin Ruoyi #,Su Huaxiang,Chen Hongfeng,Luo Ming,Yang Lixiang *,Zhang Mei *. The functional identification of glycine-rich TtASR from Tetragonia tetragonoides (Pall.) Kuntze involving in plant abiotic stress tolerance [J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2019. 143: 212–223. (#,contributed equally). (IF2022-2023=6.5).

(15) Zhang Mei *,Zhang Hui,Zheng Jiexuan,Mo Hui,Xia Kuaifei,Jian Shuguang *. Functional identification of salt-stress-related genes using the FOX hunting system from Ipomoea pes-caprae [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018. 19 (11):3446. (IF2022-2023=5.6).

(16) Zheng Jiexuan #,Zhang Hui #,Su Huaxiang,Xia Kuaifei,Jian Shuguang,Zhang Mei *. Ipomoea pes-caprae IpASR improves salinity and drought tolerance in transgenic Escherichia coli and Arabidopsis [J]. International Journal of Molecular Sciences. 2018. 9 (8):2252. (#,contributed equally). (IF2022-2023=5.6).

(17) Zhang Hui #,Zheng Jiexuan #,Su Huaxiang,Xia Kuaifei,Jian Shuguang,Zhang Mei *. Molecular cloning and functional characterization of the dehydrin (IpDHN) gene from Ipomoea pes-caprae [J]. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2018. 9: 1454. (#,contributed equally). (IF2022-2023=5.6).

(18) Zhang Mei *,Baoxiu Liu. Identification of a rice metal tolerance protein OsMTP11 as a manganese transporter [J]. PloS One. 2017. 12 (4):e0174987. (IF2022-2023=3.7).

(19) Zhang Mei *,Hui Mo,Wen Sun,Yan Guo,Jing Li. Systematic isolation and characterization of cadmium tolerant genes in tobacco: a cDNA library construction and screening approach [J]. PloS One. 2016. 11 (8):e0161147. (IF2022-2023=3.7).

(20) Yuan Lianyu,Yang Songguang,Liu Baoxiu,Zhang Mei *,Wu Keqiang. Molecular characterization of a rice metal tolerance protein,OsMTP1 [J]. Plant Cell Reports. 2012. 31 (1):67–79. (IF2022-2023=6.2).

(21) Zhang Mei *,Liu Xuncheng,Yuan Lianyu,Wu Keqiang,Duan Jun,Wang Xiaolan,Yang Lixiang. Transcriptional profiling in cadmium-treated rice seedling roots using suppressive subtractive hybridization [J]. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry. 2012. 50 (1):79–86. (IF2022-2023=6.5).

(22) Liu Xuncheng #,Zhang Mei #,Duan Jun *,Wu Keqiang. Gene expression analysis of germinating rice seeds responding to high hydrostatic pressure [J]. Journal of Plant Physiology. 2008. 165 (18):1855–1864. (#,contributed equally). (IF2022-2023=4.3).

(23) Wang Yun #,Zhang Mei #,Ke Ke,Lu Ying-Tang *. Cellular localization and biochemical characterization of a novel calcium-dependent protein kinase from tobacco [J]. Cell Research. 2005. 15 (8):604–612. (#,contributed equally). (IF2022-2023=44.1).

(24) Zhang Mei,Liang Suping. Lu Ying-Tang *. Cloning and functional characterization of NtCPK4,a new tobacco calcium-dependent protein kinase [J]. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. 2005. 1729 (3):174–185. (IF2022-2023=4.7).


(1) Jiao Zhengli #,Xu Weijuan #,Nong Quandong,Zhang Mei,Jian Shuguang,Lu Hongfang,Chen Jiantong,Zhang Mingyong,Xia Kuaifei *. An integrative transcriptomic and metabolomic analysis of red pitaya (Hylocereus polyrhizus) seedlings in response to heat stress. Genes-Basel. 2021. 12 (11):1714. (#,contributed equally).

(2) Nong Quandong,Yang Yongchao,Zhang Mingyong,Zhang Mei,Chen Jiantong,Jian Shuguang,Lu Hongfang,Xia Kuaifei *. RNA-seq-based selection of reference genes for RT-qPCR analysis of pitaya. FEBS Open Bio. 2019. 9 (8):1403–1412.

(3) Wang Xiaolan *,Zhang Mei,Feng Fei,He Ruifeng *. Differentially regulated genes in the salivary glands of brown planthopper after feeding in resistant versus susceptible rice varieties. Arch Insect Biochem Physiol. 2015. 89 (2):69–86.


(1) 刘浩,丁倩倩,王峥峰,简曙光,张美 *。番杏LIM基因家族鉴定及TtWLIM1b的克隆与功能分析。西南农业学报。网络首发时间:2024-03-29。

(2) 苏华香,郑洁旋,张会,何金实,简曙光,夏快飞,陈建通,张美 *。厚藤脱水素基因IpDHN启动子IpDHN-Pro的克隆和调控转录活性分析。热带亚热带植物学报。2019。27 (04):415–422。

(3) 农全东,张明永,焦正利,程华萍,张美,简曙光,陆宏芳,夏快飞 *。火龙果线粒体细胞色素b基因克隆及其应用潜力分析。分子植物育种。2019。17 (13):4194–4203。

(4) 叶玉妍,罗鸣,陈红锋,张美,何金实,杨礼香 *。番杏TtASR基因的克隆及其抗逆功能分析。热带作物学报。 2019。40 (05):905–912。

(5) 农全东,张明永,张美,简曙光,陆宏芳,夏快飞 *,文和明 *。火龙果茎基因组DNA提取方法改良。植物学报。2019。54 (03):371–377。

(6) 张会,郑洁旋,简曙光,夏快飞,张美 *。厚藤ASR基因克隆及功能初步分析。植物科学学报。2018。36 (03):402–410。

(7) 郑洁旋,张会,简曙光,夏快飞,张美 *。厚藤胚胎发生晚期丰富蛋白基因IpLEA的克隆与功能分析。分子植物育种. 2018。16 (13):4235–4244。

(8) 郭艳,张会,简曙光,夏快飞,张美 *。厚藤cDNA文库的构建和重金属镉耐受相关基因的筛选。植物科学学报。2017。35 (03):372–378。

(9) 张美 *,张会。胚胎发育晚期丰富蛋白(LEA蛋白)与植物抗逆性研究进展。生物资源。2017。39 (03):155–161。

(10) 唐伟,张美,王小兰 *。OsMT-1-4c基因原核表达载体的构建、表达及重金属抗性研究。广东农业科学。2017。44 (01):8–14。

(11) 郭艳,张美 *,夏快飞,简曙光,陈建通。厚藤Actin基因片段的克隆及序列分析。氨基酸和生物资源。2016。38 (03):59–62。

(12) 郭艳,夏快飞,张美 *,陈建通。滨海适生植物草海桐Actin基因片段的克隆及序列分析。生物技术世界。2016。(05):39–40。

(13)李静,王晶,张美 *。利用烟草的cDNA酵母表达文库筛选镉胁迫相关基因。河南农业科学。2013,42 (03):46–49。

(14) 刘顺枝,张美,唐馨,王小兰 *。水稻OsWRKY78与GFP融合基因的拟南芥转化及亚细胞定位 (英文)。Agricultural Science & Technology. 2012.13 (07):1395–1398.

(15) 王晶,高燕,李静,杨松光,吴克强,张美 *。水稻cDNA酵母表达文库的构建及重金属镉胁迫相关基因的初步筛选。广东农业科学。2012。39 (13):143–145 (+148)。

(16) 刘顺枝,张美,唐馨,王小兰 *。水稻OsWRKY78与GFP融合基因的拟南芥转化及亚细胞定位。安徽农业科学。2012。40 (19):9982–9984 (+10026)。

(17) 刘宝秀,袁连玉,王晶,张美 *。水稻金属耐受蛋白基因OsMTP2生物信息学及表达分析。热带亚热带植物学报。2012。20 (01):8–12。

(18) 周玉萍,陈羽中,桂林,郭培国,张美,段俊,田长恩 *。钙调素结合蛋白IQM1参与植物对环境和胁迫的反应。第六届中国植物逆境生理学与分子生物学学术研讨会论文。2010-03-26。

(19) 张美,袁连玉,刘勋成,郑枫,段俊 *。重金属镉处理的水稻幼根cDNA抑制差减杂交文库的构建。中山大学学报(自然科学版)。2010。49 (02):90–94。

(20) 周俊,张美,曾宋君,吴坤林,陈之林 *。非洲菊试管苗叶柄愈伤组织的诱导与分化研究。热带亚热带植物学报。2009。17 (03):254–260。

(21) 段俊 *,张伟,刘夏,张美,符稳群,吴克强。水稻组蛋白脱乙酰化酶基因的功能初探。全国植物分子育种研讨会。2009-01-04。

(22) 刘勋成,张美,段俊 *。水稻种子萌发期高压诱导的SSH-cDNA文库构建与分析。高压物理学报。2008。22 (04):370–376。

(23) 符稳群,吴克强,张美,段俊 *。水稻组蛋白脱乙酰化酶SIR2的功能注释分析。安徽农业大学学报。2008。(01):70–75。

(24) 王盈,张美,杨礼香,刘亚宝,吕应堂 *。一个在水稻胚胎中差异表达基因的分离鉴定。武汉大学学报(理学版)。2004。(04):501–504。

(25) 王玲,王盈,张美,吕应堂 *。烟草花粉发育过程中的细胞凋亡及其与钙/钙调素依赖性蛋白激酶T1表达的关系 (英文)。Developmental & Reproductive Biology. 2001. (01):53–60.


(1) 张美,简曙光,王峥峰。海刀豆CrHsf2基因及其应用。发明专利号:ZL 2022 1 0878098.5。

(2) 张美,简曙光,王峥峰。海刀豆CrHsf7基因及其转录因子和应用。发明专利号:ZL 2022 1 0880304.6。

(3) 张美,夏快飞,简曙光,郭艳,张会。一种厚藤植物螯合肽合成酶IpPCS及其编码基因的应用。发明专利号:ZL 2017 1 019175.0。

(4) 张美,夏快飞,简曙光,张会,郭艳。一种厚藤金属硫蛋白IpMT及其编码基因的应用。发明专利号:ZL 2017 1 0189969.1。

(5) 张美,张会,简曙光,夏快飞。厚藤LEA基因及其编码蛋白和应用。发明专利号:ZL2017 1 0660671.4。

(6) 张美,张会,简曙光,夏快飞。厚藤ASR基因及其编码蛋白和应用。专利号:ZL 2017 1 0661281.9。

(7) 张美,莫辉,郭艳。五个烟草金属硫蛋白基因的新应用。发明专利号:ZL2016 1 0065122.8。

(8) 张美,莫辉,王晶。四个水稻金属硫蛋白基因的新应用。发明专利号:ZL 2016 1 0066020.8。

(9) 张美,郭艳,莫辉。烟草Snakin2基因的新应用。发明专利号:ZL 2016 1 0064048.8。

(10) 张美,莫辉,李静。水稻自噬相关蛋白OsATG8b及其基因的新应用。发明专利号:ZL 2016 1 0066712.2。

(11) 张美,孙雯,李静,郭艳。水稻水通道蛋白OsPIP1;1及其基因的新应用。发明专利号:ZL 2016 1 0064049.2。

(12) 张美,袁连玉,刘宝秀。水稻金属耐受蛋白基因OsMTP1及其RNA干涉片段。发明专利号:ZL 2011 1 0249200.7。

(13) 张美,刘宝秀。一种水稻重金属诱导型组织特异性启动子MTP11P及其应用。发明专利号:ZL 2011 1 0249214.9。

(14) 杨礼香,叶玉妍,陈红峰,罗鸣,张美。番杏TtASR基因及其编码蛋白和应用。发明专利号:ZL 2018 1 1384255.7。

(15) 郑洁旋,张会,张美,简曙光,夏快飞。厚藤高盐、干旱诱导型启动子IpLEA-PRO及其应用。发明专利号:ZL 2017 1 1192230.2。

(16) 张会,郑洁旋,张美,简曙光,夏快飞。厚藤高盐、脱水诱导型启动子IpDHN-PRO及其应用。发明专利号:ZL 2017 1 1192142.2。

(17) 罗鸣,张美,张会。厚藤基因IpERD15的应用。发明专利号:ZL 2017 1 1162797.5。