1. Deng X. X., Liao Y. L., Wong D. M., Yu H. * The genetic structuring in pollinating wasps of Ficus hispida in continental Asia. Ecology and Evolution, 2023, 13: e10518.
2. Deng X. X., Buatois B., Peng Y. Q., Yu H. *, Cheng Y. F., Ge X. J., Proffit M., Kjellberg F. Plants are the drivers of geographic variation of floral odours in brood site pollination mutualisms: A case study of Ficus hirta. Acta Oecologica, 2023, 121: 103952
3. Liu W. Z., Xia X., Hoffmann A. A., Ding Y. M., Fang J. C. *, Yu H.* Evolution of Wolbachia reproductive and nutritional mutualism: insights from two novel strains that double infect pollinator of dioecious Ficus hirta. BMC Genomics, 2023, 24: 657.
4. Yu H.*, Nong X. J., Fan S. L., Bhanumas C., Deng X. X., Wang R., Chen X. Y., Compton S. G. Olfactory and gustatory receptor genes in fig wasps: evolutionary insights from comparative studies. Gene, 2023, 850: 146953.
5. Deng X. X., Liao Y. L., Yu H.* The coexistence of two related fig wasp species sharing the same host fig species across a broad geographical area. Acta Oecologica, 2023, 118: 103885.
6. Fan S. L., Jia Y. X., Wang R., Chen X. Y., Liu W. Z., Yu H.* Multi-omics analysis the differences of VOCs terpenoid synthesis pathway in maintaining obligate mutualism between Ficus hirta Vahl and its pollinators. Frontiers in Plant Science, 2022,13: 1006291.
7. Chen L. F.#, Feng C.#, Wang R., Nong X. J., Deng X. X., Chen X. Y.*, Yu H.* A chromosome-level genome assembly of the pollinating fig wasp Valisia javana. DNA Research, 2022, 29: 1-13. (共同通讯作者)
8. Deng X. X., Cheng Y. F., Peng Y. Q., Yu H. *, Proffit M., Kjellberg F. Overlaps in olfactive signalling coupled with geographic variation may result in localised pollinator sharing between closely related Ficus species. BMC Ecology and Evolution, 2022, 22: 97.
9. Yu H.*, Zhang Z. W., Liu L., Cheng Y. F., Deng X. X., Segar S. T. Compton S. G. Asymmetric sharing of pollinator fig wasps between two sympatric dioecious fig trees: a reflection of supply and demand or differences in the size of their figs? Botanical Studies, 2022, 63: 7.
10.Sun P., Chen X. Y., Chantarasuwan B., Zhu X. Y., Deng X. X., Bao Y. *, Yu H.* Composition diversity and expression specificity of the TPS gene family among 24 Ficus species. Diversity, 2022, 14: 721. (共同通讯作者)
11.Zeng J. Q.*, Yu H.* Integrated metabolomic and transcriptomic analyses to understand the effects of hydrogen water on the roots of Ficus hirta Vahl. Plants, 2022, 11: 602. (共同通讯作者)
12.Wong D. M., Fan S. L., Yu H. * Seven sycoryctine fig wasp species (Chalcidoidea: Pteromalidae) associated with dioecious Ficus hirta inhabiting South China and Southeast Asia. Biology, 2022, 11: 801.
13.Deng X. X.#, Chen L. F.#, Tian E. W., Zhang D. Y., Tanming W., Yu H.*, Kjellberg F., Simon S. T. Low host specificity and broad geographic ranges in a community of parasitic non-pollinating fig wasps (Sycoryctinae; Chalcidoidea). Journal of Animal Ecology, 2021, 90: 1678-1690.
14.Chen L. F., Simon S. T. Chantarasuwan B., Wang D. M., Wang R., Chen X. Y., Yu H.* Adaptation of fig wasps (Agaodinae) to their host revealed by large-scale transcriptomic data. Insects, 2021, 12: 815.
15.Xu X., Yu H.* Intraspecies genomic divergence of a fig wasp species is due to geographical barrier and adaptation. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution, 2021, 9: 764828.
16.Yu H.*, Liao Y. L., Cheng Y. F., Jia Y. X., Compton S. G. More examples of breakdown the 1:1 partner specificity between figs and fig wasps. Botanical Studies, 2021, 62: 15.
17.Wang R.#, Yang Y.#, Jing Y.#, Simon S.T.#, Zhang Y., Kjellberg F.…, Yu H.*, Yue Z.*, Compton S. G.*, Chen X. Y.* Molecular mechanisms of mutualistic and antagonistic interactions in a plant-pollinator association. Nature Ecology & Evolution, 2021, 5: 974. (共同通讯作者)
18.Liu Y. F., Fan S. L., Yu H.* Analysis of Ficus hirta fig endosymbionts diversity and species composition. Diversity, 2021, 13: 636.
19.Hu R., Sun P., Yu H.*, Cheng Y. F., Wang R., Chen X. Y.*, Kjellberg F. Similitudes and differences between two closely related Ficus species in the synthesis by the ostiole of odors attracting their host-specific pollinators: a transcriptomic based investigation. Acta Oecologica, 2020, 105: 103554. (共同通讯作者)
20. Yu Hui*, Tian En Wei, Zheng Lin Na, Deng Xiao Xia, Cheng Yu Fen, Chen Lian Fu, Wu Wei, Tanming Wattana, Dayong Zhang, Compton Steve G., Kjellberg Finn. Multiple parapatric pollinators have radiated across a continental fig tree displaying clinal genetic variation. Molecular Ecology, 2019, 28: 2391-2405.
21.Yu Hui*, Liang Dan, Tian En Wei, Zheng Lin Na, Kjellberg Finn. Plant geographic phenotypic variation drives diversification in its associated community of a phytophagous insect and its parasitoids. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 2018, 18: 134.
22.Zeng Ji Qing, Yu Hui*, Finn Kjellberg. Transcriptome analysis of genes involved in Valisia javana response to figs volatile organic compounds. Acta Oecologica, 2018, 90: 91-98.
23.Yu Hui*, Stephen G. Compton and Lanfen Wu. Spatial variation in pollinator gall failure within figs of the gynodioecious Ficus hirta. Acta Oecologica, 2018, 90: 75-80.
24.Tian Enwei, Naosn John D., Machado Carlos A., Zheng Linna, Yu Hui*, Kjellberb Finn. Lack of genetic isolation by distance, similar genetic structuring but different demographic histories in a fig-pollinating wasp mutualism. Molecular Ecology, 2015, 24: 5976-5991.
25.Yu Hui, Nason John D., Zhang Lu, Zheng Linna, Wu Wei, Ge Xuejun. Do novo transcriptome sequencing in Ficus hirta Vahl. (Moraceae) to investigate gene regulation involved in the biosynthesis of pollinator attracting volatiles. Tree Genetics & Genomes, 2015, 11: 91.
26.Zheng Linna, Nason John D., Liang Dan, Ge Xuejun, Yu Hui*. Development and characterization of microsatellite loci for Ficus hirta. Applications in Plant Sciences, 2015, 3(7): 1500034.
27. Yu Hui, Nason John D. Nuclear and chloroplast DNA phylogeography of Ficus hirta: obligate pollination mutualism and constraints on range expansion in response to climate change. New Phytologist, 2013, 197(1): 276-289.
28.Ahanch d Adam, Alfaya Josee F, Andersen LW,Azam Didier, Anita Ma, Bautista M,Besnard Anne-Laure, Bigatti Gregorio, Bou tard Anthony, Coutellec Marie Agnes, Ezer Eben B K Ew dj , Fuseya Reiko. Ricardo Garcia Jimenez, Haratian M, Hardy Olivier J, Holm L E,Hoy Casey W, Koshimizu Eriko, Loeschcke V, Violeta Lopez Marquez,Machado Carlos A, Machordom Annie, Marchi C, Michel Andrew P, Micheneau Claire, Mittapalli Omprakash, Nagai Takahiro, Okamoto Nobuaki, PanYing, Panitz F, Safaie N, Sakamoto Takashi, Sharifnabi B, Tian Enwei, Yu Hui* . Permanent genetic resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 August 2012–30 September 2012. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2013, 13: 158-159. (团体通讯作者)
29. Tian Enwei, Yu Hui *. A simple and rapid DNA extraction protocol of small insects for PR amplification. Entomological News, 2013, 123(4): 303-310.
30.Abello P, Ai Weiming, Altmann Carolin, Bernardi Giacomo, Bonato Olivier, Burchhardt M Kathleen, Chen Xiao, Chen Zhijian, Cizkova Dagmar, Clouet Cecile, Cubeta Marc A, Garcia-Merchan VH, Gauthier Nathalie, Gibson Shane, Halacka Karel, Hamdi Faten, Hankeln Thomas, Hochkirch Axel, Hrbek Tomas, Jackson Alexis M,Lin Chongwen, Lin Simin, Macpherson E, Macrander Jason, Maresova Eva, Mendel Jan, Nowak Michal, Orti Guillermo, Palero F, Papousek Ivo, Pascual M,Schmitt Thomas, Semmens Brice X, Streito Jean-Claude, Tian Enwei, Tseng Shuping, Veith Michael, Vetesnik Lukas,Wang Hurng-Yi, Weyer Jessica, Willis Stuart, Yu Hui*, Zhou Zhiming. Permanent genetic resources added to Molecular Ecology Resources Database 1 April 2012-31 May 2012. Molecular Ecology Resources, 2012, 12(5): 972-974. (团体通讯作者)
31.Yu Hui*, Compton Steve G. Moving your sons to safety: galls containing male fig wasps expand into the centre of figs, away from enemies. PLoS ONE, 2012, 7: e30833.
32.Tian Enwei, Yu Hui*, Zhang Dayong, Nason John D. Development of microsatellite loci for Blastophaga javana (Agaonidae), the pollinating wasp of Ficus hirta (Moraceae). American Journal of Botany, 2011, 98: e41-e43.
33.Yu Hui, Nason John D., Ge Xuejun, Zeng Jiqing. Slatkin’s paradox: when direct observation and realized gene flow disagree: A case study in Ficus. Molecular Ecology, 2010, 19(20): 4441-4453.
34.Yu Hui, Zhao Nanxian, Chen Yizhu, Herre E. Allen. Male and female reproductive success in the dioecious fig, Ficus hirta Vahl. in Guangdong Province, China: implications for the relative stability of dioecy and monoecy. Symbiosis, 2008, 45: 121-128.
35.Yu Hui, Xia Nianhe, Ye Huagu. Validation of Prunus hainanensis (Rosaceae). Nordic Journal of Botany, 2008, 25: 31-32.
36.Yu H., Zhao N. X., Chen Y. Z., Deng Y., Yao J. Y., Ye H. G.* Phenology and reproductive model of a common fig (Ficus hirta Vahl.) in Guangzhou. Botanical Studies, 2006, 47: 435-441.
37.Yu, H. A new combination in Dendrobenthamia (Cornaceae). Annales Botanici Fennici, 2006, 43(4): 315-316
38.Yu, H. and Zhao, N. X. Synopsis on Chinese Kengia Packer (Poaceae). Annales Botanici Fennici, 2005, 42(1): 47-55
39.Yu, H., Deng, Y. F. and Zhao, N. X. Pseudopogonatherum filifolium, the correct name for P. capilliphyllum (Poaceae). Novon, 2004, 14(2): 244-245
1. 程玉芬, 张志伟, 贾永霞, 陈连福, 于慧*.对叶榕花序不同发育时期气味成分的变化及其对传粉者的吸引作用. 热带亚热带植物学报, 2019,3: 299-308.
2. 邓小侠,吴兰芬,于慧*. 高度专性共生体系内传粉蜂子代产量的影响因素.热带亚热带植物学报, 2017, 25(2): 163-170.
3. 于慧, 夏念和,胡晓颖.中国鼠李科植物的叶表皮形态. 热带亚热带植物学报, 2011, 19(1): 16-25.
4. 于慧, 叶华谷,夏念和.国产冻绿属的分类处理. 热带亚热带植物学报, 2008, 16(4): 366-369.
5. 于慧, 赵南先, 尧金燕, 陈贻竹*. 种专一性传粉模式对榕属分类系统的影响. 热带亚热带植物学报, 2006, 14: 439-443.
6. 于慧, 赵南先, 陈贻竹*, 邓源, 尧金燕. 粗叶榕的传粉生物学. 中山大学学报,2004, 2004(2): 268-271.
7. 于慧, 赵南先, 贾效成,陈贻竹*, 甄文全. 粗叶榕(Ficus hirta Vahl.)的繁殖特征及其共生的榕小蜂. 植物学通报, 2004, 2004(6): 682-688.
8. 于慧, 赵南先, 陈贻竹*, 胡晓颖. 粗叶榕-爪哇榕小蜂共生体系的研究. 广西植物, 2003, 23: 573-576.
9. 贾效成, 赵南先, 陈贻竹*, 尧金燕, 于慧, 邓源. 榕属(Ficus)与榕小蜂科(Agaonidae)的分类研究进展. 广西植物, 2004, 24: 407-411.
10. 尧金燕, 赵南先, 方位宽, 陈贻竹*, 贾效成, 邓源,于慧. 榕树与其共生小蜂的利益冲突及资源分配研究. 云南植物研究, 2004, 26: 507-512.
11. Ren Hai, Wang Jun, Liu Hong, Yuan Lianlian, Xu i., Zhang Qianmei, Yu Hui, Luo Jian. Conservation introduction resulted in similar reproductive success of Camellia changii compared with augmentation. Plant Ecology, 2015, 217: 219-228.
12. Wang Rong, Robert Aylwin, Louise Barwell, Chen Xiaonyong, Chen Yan, Chou Lien siang, James Cobb, Daniel Collette, Lamara Craine, Robin M. Giblin-Davis, Salah Ghana, Maximilian Harper, Rhett D. Harrison, John R. McPherson, Peng Yanqiong, Rodrigo A.S. Pereira, Alfredo Reyes-Betancort, Lillian J.V. Rodriguez, Emily Strange, Simon van Noort, Yang Huiwen, Yu Hui, Stephen G. Compton. The fig wasp followers and colonists of a widely introduced fig tree, Ficus microcarpa. Insect Conservation and Diversity, 2015, 8(4): 322-336.
13. Wang Rong, Ashley Matthews, Joanne Ratcliffe, Louise J. Barwell, Peng Yanqiong, Chou Liensiang, Yu Hui, Yang Huiwen, Stephen G. Compton. First record of an apparently rare fig wasp feeding strategy: obligate seed predation. Ecological Entomology, 2014, 39(4): 492-500.
14. Zhang Lu, Yan Haifei, Wuwei, Yu Hui, Ge Xuejun. Comparative transcriptome analysis and marker development of two closely related Primrose species (Primula poissonii and Primula wilsonii). BMC Genomics, 2013, 14: 329.
15. Xiao Jinhua, Zhen Yue, Jia Lingui, Yang Xinhua, Niu Lihua, Wang Zhuo, Zhang Peng, Sun Baofa, He Shunmin, Li Zi, Xiong Tuanlin, Wen Xin, Gu Haifeng, Wang Bo, John H Werren, Robert W Murphy, David Wheeler, Niu Liming, Ma Guangchang, Tang Ting, Shengnan Bian, Wang Ningxin, Yang Chunyan, Wang Nan, Fu Yueguan, Li Wenzhu, Soojin V Yi, Yu Xing, Zhou Qing, Lu Changxin, Xu Chunyan, He Lijuan, Cai Lili, Lianle Bian, Zhang Shu, Wang Junyi, Ye Yin, Wang Guanhong, Yu Hui, Wu Wenshan, James M Cook, Wang Jun, Dawei Huang. Obligate mutualism within a host drives the extreme specialization of a fig wasp genome. Genome Biology, 2013, 14: R141.
16. Yao J. Y., Zhao N. X., Chen Y. Z.*, Jia X. C., Deng Y., Yu H. Resource allocation for coevolved figs and fig wasps in monoecious figs: where and how seeds and wasps produced? Symbiosis, 2005, 39: 143-149.
17. Zhang L., Yan H. F., Wu W.*, Yu H., Ge X. J. Comparative transcriptome analysis and marker development of two closely related Primrose species (Primula poissonii and Primula wilsonii). BMC Genomics, 2013, 14: 329.
18. Xiao J. H., Yue Z., Jia L. Y., …………………, Yu H., Cook J. M.*, Wang J.*, Huang D. W.* Obligate mutualism within a host drives the extreme specialization of a fig wasp genome. Genome Biology, 2013, 14: R141.