
发表年度 论文题目 刊物名称
2019 Understanding Community Assembly Based on Functional Traits, Ontogenetic Stages, Habitat Types and Spatial Scales in a Subtropical Forest FORESTS
2019 Changes in Soil Microbial Biomass, Community Composition, and Enzyme Activities After Half-Century Forest Restoration in Degraded Tropical Lands FORESTS
2019 Species Differences in Nitrogen Acquisition in Humid Subtropical Forest Inferred From N-15 Natural Abundance and Its Response to Tracer Addition FORESTS
2019 The Combined Role of Retention Pattern and Post-Harvest Site Preparation in Regulating Plant Functional Diversity: A Case Study in Boreal Forest Ecosystems FORESTS
2019 Contrasting Temperature and Precipitation Patterns of Trees in Different Seasons and Responses of Infrared Canopy Temperature in Two Asian Subtropical Forests FORESTS
2019 The Use of DNA Barcoding to Assess Phylogenetic beta-Diversity in Mid-Subtropical Evergreen Broad-Leaved Forests of China FORESTS
2019 Fractional Cover Mapping of Invasive Plant Species by Combining Very High-Resolution Stereo and Multi-Sensor Multispectral Imageries FORESTS
2019 Effects of Lime Application and Understory Removal on Soil Microbial Communities in Subtropical Eucalyptus L'Her. Plantations FORESTS
2019 Effects of Phosphate Solubilizing Bacteria on the Growth, Photosynthesis, and Nutrient Uptake of Camellia oleifera Abel. FORESTS
2019 Forest Soil Profile Inversion and Mixing Change the Vertical Stratification of Soil CO2 Concentration without Altering Soil Surface CO2 Flux FORESTS
2019 DNA Barcoding Analysis and Phylogenetic Relation of Mangroves in Guangdong Province, China FORESTS
2019 Dry Season Irrigation Promotes Leaf Growth in Eucalyptus urophylla x E. grandis under Fertilization FORESTS
2019 Three Pairs of New Spirocyclic Alkaloid Enantiomers From the Marine-Derived Fungus Eurotium sp. SCSIO F452 FRONTIERS IN CHEMISTRY
2019 Population Differentiation and Demographic History of the Cycas taiwaniana Complex (Cycadaceae) Endemic to South China as Indicated by DNA Sequences and Microsatellite Markers FRONTIERS IN GENETICS
2019 Perspectives on Endosymbiosis in Coralloid Roots: Association of Cycads and Cyanobacteria FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
2019 Warming but Not Nitrogen Addition Alters the Linear Relationship Between Microbial Respiration and Biomass FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
2019 Leaf and Root Endospheres Harbor Lower Fungal Diversity and Less Complex Fungal Co-occurrence Patterns Than Rhizosphere FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
2019 Diurnal Temperature Variation and Plants Drive Latitudinal Patterns in Seasonal Dynamics of Soil Microbial Community FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
2019 The Composition of Nitrogen-Fixing Microorganisms Correlates With Soil Nitrogen Content During Reforestation: A Comparison Between Legume and Non-legume Plantations FRONTIERS IN MICROBIOLOGY
2019 Insights Into Olive Fruit Surface Functions: A Comparison of Cuticular Composition, Water Permeability, and Surface Topography in Nine Cultivars During Maturation FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
2019 Arabidopsis Histone Methyltransferase SUVH5 Is a Positive Regulator of Light-Mediated Seed Germination FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
2019 The Complete Chloroplast Genomes of Echinacanthus Species (Acanthaceae): Phylogenetic Relationships, Adaptive Evolution, and Screening of Molecular Markers FRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE
2019 Foliar phosphorus fractions reveal how tropical plants maintain photosynthetic rates despite low soil phosphorus availability FUNCTIONAL ECOLOGY
2019 Proteomic and transcriptomic analysis to unravel the influence of high temperature on banana fruit during postharvest storage FUNCTIONAL & INTEGRATIVE GENOMICS
2019 Specific responses of sap flux and leaf functional traits to simulated canopy and understory nitrogen additions in a deciduous broadleaf forest FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY
2019 Ancient polymorphisms contribute to genome-wide variation by long-term balancing selection and divergent sorting in Boechera stricta (vol 20, 126, 2019) GENOME BIOLOGY
2019 Ancient Polyploidy and Genome Evolution in Palms GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
2019 Evolution and Diversification of Kiwifruit Mitogenomes through Extensive Whole-Genome Rearrangement and Mosaic Loss of Intergenic Sequences in a Highly Variable Region GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
2019 Cropland conversion changes the status of microbial resource limitation in degraded karst soil GEODERMA
2019 Interactions between aged biochar, fresh low molecular weight carbon and soil organic carbon after 3.5 years soil-biochar incubations GEODERMA