
发表年度 论文题目 刊物名称
2018 Two new species in Cremanthodium (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) from China PHYTOTAXA
2018 Supplementary description of floral morphology of Vaccinium guangdongense WPFang & ZHPan (Ericaceae) PHYTOTAXA
2018 Ligularia pyrifolia var. dissecta (Asteraceae, Senecioneae), a remarkable new variety from southwestern Yunnan, China PHYTOTAXA
2018 Chimonocalamus auriculatus, one more new temperate woody bamboo species of the genus (Poaceae: Bambusoideae: Arundinarieae) described from Thailand PHYTOTAXA
2018 The identity of Clematis zhejiangensis (Ranunculaceae) from China PHYTOTAXA
2018 The identity of Senecio obtusatus (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) and a previous misapplication of the name PHYTOTAXA
2018 Senecio pseudodensiserratus (Asteraceae, Senecioneae), a new species from China PHYTOTAXA
2018 Leptodermis hechiensis (Rubiaceae), a new species from Guangxi, China PHYTOTAXA
2018 Teucrium chowii YH Tong & NH Xia, a new name to replace T. integrifolium CYWu & S.Chow PHYTOTAXA
2018 Thalictrum argyi (Ranunculaceae) is conspecific with T-fortunei, not T-javanicum PHYTOTAXA
2018 Rediscovery of Cremanthodium principis (Asteraceae, Senecioneae) in northwestern Yunnan, China PHYTOTAXA
2018 Exclusion of Anemone tetrasepala (Ranunculaceae) from the flora of China PHYTOTAXA
2018 Lectotypification of the name Thalictrum purdomii (Ranunculaceae) PHYTOTAXA
2018 Clarification of the taxonomic identity of the Himalayan species Thalictrum neurocarpum (Ranunculaceae), with the reduction of T. austrotibeticum to its synonymy PHYTOTAXA
2018 Sulfoxidation Regulation of Musa acuminata Calmodulin (MaCaM) Influences the Functions of MaCaM-Binding Proteins PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY
2018 Formation of Protein Disulfide Bonds Catalyzed by OsPDIL1;1 is Mediated by MicroRNA5144-3p in Rice PLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY
2018 Organic phosphorus in the terrestrial environment: a perspective on the state of the art and future priorities (vol 427, pg 191, 2018) PLANT AND SOIL
2018 Nitrogen and phosphorus concentrations and allocation strategies among shrub organs: the effects of plant growth forms and nitrogen-fixation types PLANT AND SOIL
2018 Optimized paired-sgRNA/Cas9 cloning and expression cassette triggers high-efficiency multiplex genome editing in kiwifruit PLANT BIOTECHNOLOGY JOURNAL
2018 First Report of Nigrospora sphaerica Causing Kiwifruit Postharvest Rot Disease in China PLANT DISEASE
2018 Development of SNP-Based Markers to Identify Colletotrichum gossypii in Upland Cotton PLANT DISEASE
2018 LjCOCH interplays with LjAPP1 to maintain the nodule development in Lotus japonicus PLANT GROWTH REGULATION
2018 OsOFP19 modulates plant architecture by integrating the cell division pattern and brassinosteroid signaling PLANT JOURNAL
2018 GLUCOSAMINE INOSITOLPHOSPHORYLCERAMIDE TRANSFERASE1 (GINT1) Is a GlcNAc-Containing Glycosylinositol Phosphorylceramide Glycosyltransferase PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
2018 Temporal-Specific Interaction of NF-YC and CURLY LEAF during the Floral Transition Regulates Flowering PLANT PHYSIOLOGY
2018 The GDP-mannose transporter gene (DoGMT) from Dendrobium officinale is critical for mannan biosynthesis in plant growth and development PLANT SCIENCE
2018 Understanding and exploiting the roles of autophagy in plants through multi-omics approaches PLANT SCIENCE
2018 Taxonomic studies of Amomum (Zingiberaceae) in China II: transfer of Hornstedtia tibetica to Amomum and supplementary description of H-hainanensis PLANT SYSTEMATICS AND EVOLUTION
2018 A revised classification of Chinese Davalliaceae based on new evidence from molecular phylogenetics and morphological characteristics PLOS ONE
2018 Examining the patterns and dynamics of species abundance distributions in succession of forest communities by model selection PLOS ONE