
发表年度 论文题目 刊物名称
Hemp hemp hooray for cannabis research SCIENCE
Increased atmospheric vapor pressure deficit reduces global vegetation growth SCIENCE ADVANCES
Hydraulic traits are coordinated with maximum plant height at the global scale SCIENCE ADVANCES
Effects of forest conversion on carbon-degrading enzyme activities in subtropical China SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Phosphate addition diminishes the efficacy of wollastonite in decreasing Cd uptake by rice (Oryza sativa L.) in paddy soil SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Effects of urbanization on plant phosphorus availability in broadleaf and needleleaf subtropical forests SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Effects of elevated atmospheric CO2 and nitrogen deposition on leaf litter and soil carbon degrading enzyme activities in a Cd-contaminated environment: A mesocosm study SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Drivers of tree carbon storage in subtropical forests SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Resource limitation of soil microbes in karst ecosystems SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Responses of sap flux and intrinsic water use efficiency to canopy and understory nitrogen addition in a temperate broadleaved deciduous forest SCIENCE OF THE TOTAL ENVIRONMENT
Fibroin treatment inhibits chilling injury of banana fruit via energy regulation SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE
Effectiveness of recurrent selection in Akebia trifoliata (Lardizabalaceae) breeding SCIENTIA HORTICULTURAE
Investigation of the curative effects of palm vitamin E tocotrienols on autoimmune arthritis disease in vivo SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
Testing the competition-colonization trade-off and its correlations with functional trait variations among subtropical tree species SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
Isolation and characterization of an atypical LEA gene (IpLEA) from Ipomoea pes-caprae conferring salt/drought and oxidative stress tolerance SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
Mining MYB transcription factors from the genomes of orchids (Phalaenopsis and Dendrobium) and characterization of an orchid R2R3-MYB gene involved in water-soluble polysaccharide biosynthesis SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
Habitat management as a safe and effective approach for improving yield and quality of tea (Camellia sinensis) leaves SCIENTIFIC REPORTS
Dormancy and germination of Firmiana danxiaensis, an endangered tree endemic to South China SEED SCIENCE AND TECHNOLOGY
Real time sensing of salicylic acid in infected tomato leaves using carbon tape electrodes modified with handed pencil trace SENSORS AND ACTUATORS B-CHEMICAL
Distinct responses of soil fungal and bacterial nitrate immobilization to land conversion from forest to agriculture SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
A method for estimating nematode body lengths for use in the calculation of biomass via a simplified formula SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
Distinct methanotrophic communities exist in habitats with different soil water contents SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
Soil moisture drives microbial controls on carbon decomposition in two subtropical forests SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
Priming of pyrogenic C (biochar) mineralization by dissolved organic matter and vice versa SOIL BIOLOGY & BIOCHEMISTRY
Manure acts as a better fertilizer for increasing crop yields than synthetic fertilizer does by improving soil fertility SOIL & TILLAGE RESEARCH
Diagnosing Phosphorus Limitation in Subtropical Forests in China under Climate Warming SUSTAINABILITY
(2679) Proposal to conserve the name Talauma fistulosa (Lirianthe fistulosa, Magnolia fistulosa) (Magnoliaceae) with a conserved type TAXON
(74) Request for a binding decision on whether the names Aspidium stenopteris Kunze (Nephrodium stenopteris (Kunze) DC Eaton) (Thelypteridaceae) and N. stenopteron Baker (A. stenopteron (Baker) Christ) (Tectariaceae) are sufficiently alike to be confused TAXON
(+)- and (-)-Eurotone A: A pair of enantiomeric polyketide dimers from a marine-derived fungus Eurotium sp. SCSIO F452 TETRAHEDRON LETTERS
Effects of Different Carbon Sources on Fumonisin Production and FUM Gene Expression by Fusarium proliferatum TOXINS