
发表年度 论文题目 刊物名称
2020 Global convergence in the balance between leaf water supply and demand across vascular land plants FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY
2020 Interspecific variations in tree allometry and functional traits in subtropical plantations in southern China FUNCTIONAL PLANT BIOLOGY
2020 The identification of an R2R3-MYB transcription factor involved in regulating anthocyanin biosynthesis in Primulina swinglei flowers GENE
2020 Phenotypic characterization of Stauntonia obovatifoliola Hayata subsp. urophylla germplasm: a potential new fruit crop GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION
2020 Population genetic divergence in Lycium chinense Mill. (Solanaceae) is driven by both hybridization and geo-environmental factors GENETIC RESOURCES AND CROP EVOLUTION
2020 Microhomologies Are Associated with Tandem Duplications and Structural Variation in Plant Mitochondrial Genomes GENOME BIOLOGY AND EVOLUTION
2020 Disentangling immobilization of nitrate by fungi and bacteria in soil to plant residue amendment GEODERMA
2020 Chromosome-level draft genome of a diploid plum (Prunus salicina) GIGASCIENCE
2020 Spatial patterns and climate controls of seasonal variations in carbon fluxes in China's terrestrial ecosystems GLOBAL AND PLANETARY CHANGE
2020 Long-term effects of 7-year warming experiment in the field on leaf hydraulic and economic traits of subtropical tree species GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2020 Effects of human disturbance activities and environmental change factors on terrestrial nitrogen fixation GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2020 The response of soil respiration to precipitation change is asymmetric and differs between grasslands and forests GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2020 Global response patterns of plant photosynthesis to nitrogen addition: A meta-analysis GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2020 Microbial dynamics and soil physicochemical properties explain large-scale variations in soil organic carbon GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2020 Warming counteracts defoliation-induced mismatch by increasing herbivore-plant phenological synchrony GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2020 Simultaneous quantification of N-2, NH3 and N2O emissions from a flooded paddy field under different N fertilization regimes GLOBAL CHANGE BIOLOGY
2020 Soil microbial biomass increases along elevational gradients in the tropics and subtropics but not elsewhere GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND BIOGEOGRAPHY
2020 Decreasing genetic connectivity in the endangered tree Magnolia patungensis in fragmented forests GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION
2020 Light availability, soil phosphorus and different nitrogen forms negatively affect the functional diversity of subtropical forests GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION
2020 Effects of drought regimes on growth and physiological traits of a typical shrub species in subtropical China GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION
2020 Mean-variance relationships of leaf bilateral asymmetry for 35 species of plants and their implications GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION
2020 Thermal infrared imaging from drones can detect individuals and nocturnal behavior of the world's rarest primate GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION
2020 Effects of 14-year continuous nitrogen addition on soil arylsulfatase and phosphodiesterase activities in a mature tropical forest GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION
2020 Using genetic markers to identify the origin of illegally traded agarwood-producing Aquilaria sinensis trees GLOBAL ECOLOGY AND CONSERVATION
2020 Thermal-responsive genetic and epigenetic regulation of DAM cluster controlling dormancy and chilling requirement in peach floral buds HORTICULTURE RESEARCH
2020 Morphological Anatomy of Leaf and Rhizome in Zingiber officinale Roscoe, with Emphasis on Secretory Structures HORTSCIENCE
2020 Cambial phenology in Abies pindrow (Pinaceae) along an altitudinal gradient in northwestern Himalaya IAWA JOURNAL
2020 Wood anatomy of boreal species in a warming world: a review IFOREST-BIOGEOSCIENCES AND FORESTRY
2020 Synthesis of icariin in tobacco leaf by overexpression of a glucosyltransferase gene from Epimedium sagittatum INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS
2020 Transcriptome and small RNAome facilitate to study schaftoside in Desmodium styracifolium Merr INDUSTRIAL CROPS AND PRODUCTS